Ch 22, Monster

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End's POV
As I flew through the sky I saw below a winged creature flying, about to dive to catch a unsuspecting deer. I grinned and as fast as lightning I swept down and hooked my claws onto its three scorpion tails in turn making it off balance and now just hanging from my claws as I flew along.
"Ah Rakashy. Your Deathwish's little assassin right? Good, because I need you to show me where your new alpha lives." I snarled as Rakashy glared up at me.
"Never!" He growled back.
"Oh, I think you will!" I stared him in his eyes smiling. I saw him freeze in hesitation, fear shrouded his gaze. I laughed and folded in my wings, and we dove down to the earth at high speeds. Quickly I unfolded my wings and they slowed us just feet above the ground. I released Rakashy and he fell to the ground softly as I landed beside him on all fours.
"What do you want! I finally found a place where I belong." Rakashy shouted his teeth bared as he sat up facing me.
"Ahh that's where you are wrong! Don't you notice that your so called allies despise you!" I said baring my many bloodstained teeth.
Rakashy hesitated but then spoke with determination in his voice but I could still sense the uncertainty quiver in it as well.
"Your wrong! You don't understand what it is like to be the last of your kind, alone!" He snarled his three tails pinned at me, his eyes burning with anger.
I smiled, "Oh I know just how everyone can treat you, distrust, hate, and loneliness! This body that I possess belongs to the long lost kind of the Nightwatchers, they too were obliterated many years ago. This body is the last of their kind, you've seen her before haven't you? Flying above Spirit's camp with that Midnight!" I smiled. "I now how they look at you! They don't trust you!"
"That's not true.... That black creature with three heads and twelve tails.... Your not her are you?" He shuddered takin a step back.
I lunged forward and slammed him a the ground pinning him down with my paw, my claws nearly piercing his skin. "Oh yes and that's right I am not the Nightwatcher, I am in fact a close acquaintance with Deathwish, now tell me where Midnight is!" I growled.
"Never I can't be unsettled by some monster!" He snarled.
As he did before I could speak, I felt a sharp pain coming from my chest and stomach. Looking down I saw three scorpion tails pierced into my heart and two in my stomach. With a heart renching pain Rakashy slowly pulled them out revealing the deadly venom he injected me with. A black venom oozed out of my chest where my heart was, then looking at him I saw him smile and then I couldn't move. He kicked me off of him and as he stood himself up I saw my blood dripping off his tails.
"No this can't be!" I spluttered out, blood ran in my mouths.
"Because I'm not a monster like you!" Rakashy growled and with that he leaped into the sky and took off unfolding his massive wings.
I lay there, blood starting to pool around me.
"This can't be happening, I can't die! I am a god!" My new body was starting to go cold my limbs going numb. I couldn't move, it must have been that venom!
Everything started to go black, then a white figure stepped in front of me, it was the demon of hate.
"You are no longer bound by the gods rules End, why must you bring more terror to this world? Why, is there some reason?" She muttered.
"What nonsense are you speaking now! Don't tell me you sided with the Nightwatcher!" I growled.
"No I haven't done such thing or ever will. I have been using her and I have found something you might want to know." She smiled.
"And what is that!" I glared at the demon.
"Midnight isn't exactly normal, she too like this Nightwatcher has a demon within her."
"Which one is it!" I shouted, my eyes burning with rage.
"The demon of rage." It spoke calmly.
"Oh is that so! I going to have a little talking with it then!" I growled blood splattered around me as I slowly raised myself from the ground. The black venom oozed out of the hole in my chest and other venoms oozed out as well from the two holes in my stomach.
"Hmm, I bet this is going to be fun!" The demon laughed as it faded away, it's eyes gleamed with hate.
"Oh just you wait, that Rakashy and Midnight won't know what hit them!"

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