Ch 46, Sanity

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Moonshadow's POV
I turned to see End's eyes close, and the gods' parents also noticed his state.
"Right now our eldest children are fighting one another... Solar.... not a third corruption." The silver wolf whispered.
Her gaze fell back on me, her eyes flashed sadness.
"We will help you bring back End's sanity, but he will still be extremely dangerous with all that rage and hate inside of him, at times he will turn on you or completely loose it at least until his sanity comes back once more."
The gray brown wolf nodded and continued, "His state of mind will become split personalities, one much like those of when he was Time and the other blind with hate and insanity much like he is as End. The changes in his personalities will be random or brought out by a emotion or action."
"So is he really just a ticking time bomb, ready to blow at anytime to kill." I howled, the thought made me shiver all over.
The gods' parents nodded, their eyes not looking me directly in the eyes.
"Time was so kindhearted and caring for his siblings, he would always play with Solar and Lunar when he was a pup.... we never wished for this to happen to him, his siblings over time stopped caring about him, his powers taken, banished to the underworld, hated and forgotten. No living thing from the dead to a god, could understand what he truly went through...." The silver wolf sighed.
"Promise us that you will help End, he may go back to mortal realm if you give him his sanity, but when he looses control he must be held down at all costs. Tell his siblings of his state and tell them we are the ones to let him come back...." The gray brown wolf spoke.
"I promise, thank you." I shouted. Their heads bowed and they both lifted a paw towards me. They came so close that one claw of each paw touched one of my foreheads.
"Thank you Moonshadow..." I heard them say in unison and then my vision began to be blurred by a bright flash of light.
End's POV
I slowly blinked my eyes open, as my eyes adjusted I saw a cloudy blue sky all around me.
"What the.." I growled but then stopped when I spotted the demonic figure of Moonshadow standing beside me.
Startled I leapt to my paws and moved back. She has wearing a calm face, but her smile seemed quite too real....
"I am real End, I have come to bring your sanity back to you." She said smiling. Her eyes closed as she continued to smile.
"Why would you help me! Why?! I turned you into a demon, I lead your loved ones to the end again, I killed so many... I bound you to my hell forever by the same chains I was...." I shouted.
No reply came from Moonshadow, she just continued to smile with her eyes closed.
"I have killed you!" I shouted, my eyes widened as she again gave no reply.
"Tell me! What's wrong with you! Tell me Moonshadow, why!" I screeched.
Finally she opened her eyes, they were the same red pupil silted eyes, her shadowy wings opened wide. Her Hate side had Hate's eyes, Moonshadow's smile grew wide across her faces as she started to slowly walk towards me.
Trying to back away I found in terror that my paws were frozen to the ground .
"Because your more like me than you know." She whispered still drawing nearer.
"Both of our family is either dead or hates us to point of wanting to kill their own. No one cars if we die, insanity is all that we have.... that why I helping you get back your sanity." She stopped standing just inches away from my paws, she stood there smiling looking up at me.
"We are going back together with our sanity, wether or not if we will loose it again."
My eyes grew wide with terror.
"No get away from me!" I screamed trying to move but again my paws held in place.
"Don't you see them?" Moonshadow whispered.
Looking past Moonshadow, I saw the faint starry figure of the fallen Nightwatchers, the small fox from before, and the gray spotted Skyjolt. All around us from the ground came orbs of light rose up into the sky.
Their showed no signs of rage or anger as they calmly look up at me.
Their gazes turned to Moonshadow with bright loving green, blue, and brown eyes. They nodded and smiled softly as they approached us.
I saw the male brown eyed Nightwatcher place his noses on her heads as a fatherly greeting then step back for the white furred and icy blue eyes female Nightwatcher pressed her heads to Moonshadow's.
The green eyed fox came to stand beside her, it stood there looking up at Moonshadow with joy and leaned her head on her flank.
The white Nightwatcher, which I guessed to be Snowsong from the vision before, stepped back with the other Nightwatcher.
Moonshadow looked over at the fox and said, "I miss you all, Snowsong, Sunleaf, Breeze," Then she looked over to her other flank at the Skyjolt who touched his nose to hers.
"Night, I miss you all so much...." Tears rolled down her faces.
The rest of the Nightwatchers stood behind the closest to Moonshadow. Then came forward eight Nightwatchers, one was white, one gray, one bluish, one was black with brown dapples, and the others were black.
They made their way up to Moonshadow and stood there looking at her as if there was a last thing to do.
"It's time Moonshadow." The dappled Nightwatcher spoke, his blue eyes shown with sadness but also happiness.
Moonshadow dipped her heads and stepped away from her loved ones and along side the other Nightwatchers.
"Shadow, Cloud, River, Ember, Petal, Smoke, Needle, Dapple, Moon, we have all come here to bring you, End, your sanity back." The black Nightwatcher with yellow eyes spoke with a steady voice.
Still unable to move I stood there helpless as the nine Nightwatchers placed their paws on my legs, and suddenly there was a jolt that traveled through my whole body. Suddenly I could feel almost all my hate, my rage, and my insanity slip away. I could feel sadness once more as tears started rolling down my faces as I felt my sanity come back to me.
"Goodbye End, our son." A voice whispered beside me and looking over both my shoulders I saw my parents standing there towering over me. Their eyes glowed with happiness and hopefulness.
Unknowingly I whispered names that I didn't even know of, "Goodbye Stellar, goodbye Kronar." The words barely had escaped my mouths when the orbs of light that were rising around us became brighter and brighter. The towering figure of my parents became blurred and disappeared along with the Nightwatchers, the fox, and the Skyjolt.

Coldblooded: Moonshadow's Dark PastUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum