Ch 14, Choice Part 1

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"What!" I shouted, but I was already starting to wake and Shadowmoon started to fade. Before she did she whispered two last things to me,
"Remember if you are overcome by rage or hate I will start taking you over like before.... And you must make the choice of letting go or holding on." Then my eyes flew open and once again I was in my nest. Still pondering about what Shadowmoon said, I stretched and went to the slow moving stream outside the cave for a drink. After the ripples from my tongues disappeared, I looked at my reflection, my eyes yet again changed, they were the not only red but the same black surroundings that Shadowmoon had. I sighed, there was nothing I could do about it.
Like the other normal days, it pasted quickly and not much happened while on my own or watching the Skyjolts. Before I knew it I was curling up in my nest once more......
"What do will you do Midnight, will you go down the bloody path your father traveled down or will you start anew here on Earth?" I murmured to myself as I watched her fight with the Skyjolts, again they are fighting just like on Smoth. Will this fight ever end? The groups were again hostile to each other but there wasn't any bloodshed so far, this at least was something that was different but, they would never be fully forgiven for the past. Half way through the day I had dozed off in the hiding spot where I watched the Skyjolts and when I finally woken, it was already night once more.
"What do I do now?" I mumbled then I realized that I hadn't eaten for a whole day and my belly felt hollow and empty. I looked around to make sure that nobody was awake or near then got up and swiftly raced towards my den. I then turned to the left and stopped in the middle of a pine forest.
"Why does this place look familiar, have I been here?" I thought to myself. Thinking back I remembered the time that me and Breeze were hunting a rabbit and something had spooked it and I saw a pair of eyes watching me through a dense forested place. Looking around I made a connection between the to places, they were indeed dense forests and dark. This was in fact the same place when I was with Breeze that day!
"I have got to get out of here!" I shouted in my mind. Looking around panicked, I dashed the other way I had come, but something shoved me to the ground with tremendous force. The creature didn't let me stand and I couldn't see it as I laid on the ground. Quickly I thought of a idea and I used my tails to nock off the foe on top of me. But the creature had already seen that coming and bit one of them, and blood oozed out of the injured tail, while the others dropped to the ground. The creature the dropped my tail and whispered in my ears.
"Why aren't you something, I don't believe we have met before, Moonshadow?" The creatures voice was deep and like a male's.
"What do you want and how do you know my name!" I growled
"Oh don't you remember that rabbit? The thing was scared to death that it didn't even notice you or your precious Breeze." The creature chuckled
"So what, what does that have to do with you? Unless you were that thing that scared it! Maybe you are!"
"Bingo, I am indeed! Here I didn't get to introduce myself to you yet." And it lets me stand and I turned to face him, now I could see the creature's details. He had huge black feathered wings, the head,tail, and body of a leopard with gray fur, and had bright green eyes.
"My name is Night, and I am happy to see you!" He cheerfully said smiling.
"What is with the mood swing from foe to acting like friends!" I thought.
"Hello Night, may I ask just what are you!" I shouted at him
"Well you don't have to shout! I am a Mix," Night said, but I was still puzzled by what he meant.
He sighed, "Here let me further explain what that means since you don't know. There were are three groups between the Skyjolts. One was the Ice group, the Skyjolts there were completely white and had ice powers, second was the Coal group where they were completely black and had coal powers. The third was the Mix group, there was the Skyjolts from the other two groups who didn't have their colored pelts or the same powers as the others. Like if the was a Skyjolt from the Ice group, but had a black and brown pelt it would be sent to the Mix group and same goes for powers."
"I see, what group were you from Night?" I questioned becoming curious of this different Skyjolt.
"I was from the Coal group, I had a different pelt than everyone else and my powers consisted of both ice and coal, so I was sent away to the Mix group where I lived my life with the others, they treated me better than the Coal group did and they were my family to me and I will always be." He smiled, but I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but why are you here and not with them?" I asked.
"I don't really know myself." Night gazed at me as if he saw something else in my place.
The crickets chirped and the light of dawn started seeping in the though the pines where we stood.
"Well I have got to head back, it's morning and there are things I must do." I distractedly, trying to pull away.
"Wait, ummm... could you stay a bit longer?" Night pleaded his green eyes reflecting his own loneliness reminding me of myself.
"Okay, just a little longer, but I am also hungry so let's hunt during this time." I sighed and walked past him sniffing the air. Soon I caught the scent of a mouse and followed it to its burrow. Quickly I stuffed the entrance to it with pine needles and made sure that it was thick enough. I then went around to the other side of the nest searching for he back entrance, finding it I scented for the mouse again and I still found in its den hiding. "Good now you are finished mouse!" I thought proudly and I breathed in and black fire shot into the hole and I heard a squeak then nothing and I stopped the fire and dug into the nest and found the dead slightly burned mouse inside and quickly snatched it and gulped it down in a few quick bites.

Coldblooded: Moonshadow's Dark PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz