Ch 13, Ties to the Past

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In the past weeks not much had changed since the battle against Shadowmoon, my wounds healed fully and my bones mended. The others I learned more of their names besides the bear names Red and the blue fox called Meg. The Dracowere is called Midnight and the Skyjolt is Spirit, I learn a few other names like Moo, Moon, Custer, and Storm some of the other Dracoweres or Skyjolts. They are more organized and made two different camps, one of Dracoweres and the other Skyjolts. Now in these past week they have acted more and more hostile with each other, I heard one other name too one that felt I knew but yet didn't, it was the name Thorn.
But I haven't been just been watching and learning, I have also been training too. I still have troubles here and there but I am getting a better hold on them. I practice my camouflage when I study the others so I am not seen or caught in doing so.
Sighing I heave myself into my nest, but I couldn't sleep cause something was still bothering me. I knew what I must do, I had to go talk to Breeze if I could.
Upon reaching his oak, I laid down in front of his grave and closed my eyes trying to think of him and clearing my mind. I open my eyes, but to my disappointment nothing seemed different and I knew I was still awake.
Looking around I notice that Breeze's oak was dead, not like before when it was blooming with blossoms. I quickly then noticed that Breeze's grave was dug up.
"Who did this, what's going on?" I shouted
When no reply came I shouted it out again.
Again there was no answer, then when I turned back to Breeze's grave I saw a unrecognizable figure blocking it.
I was about to shove the figure aside, then I looked more closely and realized it was Breeze!
"Breeze, what happened to you and why didn't you say anything thing before?" I yelped.
"Danger.....danger, the past is too much, too much, everything is falling apart...Moonshadow...." I heard him mumble
"What do you mean, is something going to happen, what's so bad about the past?" I shouted, trying to communicate with him.
He continues to mumble on, too quick and jumbled that I couldn't make it out and then he looks at me and his image struck me hard. His red and black fur were ruffled and unkept, his once bright white underbelly was dull and dirty, his long silky tail hung low and spiked, his ears torn, his body covered in scars and wounds, and his eyes that were a nice friendly shade of green were bloodshot and dull as if his essence had been drained out of his soul.
"Breeze.....!" I rushed over and rapped my body around him, and with barely any effort I got him to lay down with me.
"Oh Breeze, my son." I murmured as I drifted into sleep breathing in his old familiar scent.
Waking up I find myself where I had left my self, laying where I lied with Breeze. Sighing I look up at the sky I see the faint traces of dawn. Looking back at the oak I remembered what he told me.
"What were you trying to tell me?" I whispered. Shaking my heads I walk back to the spot I usually watch the Skyjolt camp, their camp is bordered by the forest I live in. However there Dracowere camp exact whereabouts are is still unknown to me.
Now that it was dawn, the Skyjolts started to stir, slowly emerging from their hidden nests. They lived a more organized life than the Nightwatchers lived, but there was very similar ways between the two camps. Spirit is the leader from what I can tell and Storm is her mate. I have been watching and waiting for her kits to be born soon.
There was a healer, hunters, trainees, and guards as far I could tell in positions, and of course the kits and queens. I watched them start sending out the hunters and the other train together, I mostly watched Spirit though. Something just sparked my attention to her at one point in the day and continued throughout.
They seemed just like us back at Smoth and treated each other the same, not with cruelty or abuse, and had a trusted leader. Then a thought darken my mind and closed out the other lighthearted thoughts.
"They might seem normal and kind, but their the ones who just stood by watching your kin be killed and deep down they are heartless creatures who fought to reach the top along with the Dracoweres."
I became unsteady and shocked myself back to my senses, but there was still something that I could never forget when I saw them just watching cold heartedly as my kin died beneath them.
There was also another thought that struck me and made me think very  hard and deep about, it's about which path will I take next?
Tonight for the first time in weeks I dreamt of Shadowmoon, and this time she didn't want to train nor fight. She wanted to tell me something that she should have long before this point....
"Moonshadow, the name Thorn?"
"Yes I have heard it here and there when I see the Skyjolts talking about the Dracoweres and when the one Dracowere named Midnight talks with Spirit. Why?"
"Well its about Thorn, Thorn was the deputy of the Dracoweres in your time when you lived on Smoth, he was the one who ordered the attack on your kind and was one of the few Dracoweres who saw you in the escape pod for the few seconds they did. Thorn died about 69 years later and had a child of his own, this child rose to become the next leader of the Dracoweres as they left for Earth. That child of Thorn's those years ago is that Dracowere named Midnight you speak of."

Coldblooded: Moonshadow's Dark PastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant