Ch 9, Half of One Another

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The smell of moss and damp air roused me from the dreams, my blue eyes looked at each other's pair. I was determined to carry on my life even without Breeze, for his sake and mine.
I swept out the pebbles, dust, and debris in the cave carefully using my twelve tails, then hunted afterward getting on with the usual morning routine. Licking the last of the flesh off my teeth, I look up standing outside and see the bright blue sky, vast and never ending.
"At least it's good weather," I murmured to myself
The day went on normally and I soon crept back into my nest drifting into a peaceful sleep. I had no dreams of the mysterious white Nightwatcher or anything at all, just much needed sleep.
The next day ended shortly and again I drifted into sleep, but now I am in a dream, just blackness everywhere and I can see nothing. Instantly a reflection of me appears in front of me, and there was my reflection standing there. I stepped closer and it howled in pain and it looked straight into my eyes and was meet by red eyes with black around the irises, the same of that white Nightwatcher. Tears streaked down both of our faces and white fur started to appear on the reflection and soon fully engulfed the once black fur. Then a truly horrific sound meets my ears, "Please Help Me!" It whispered out of the reflection of me and then it fell and disappeared.
"Are you alright?" A voice sounded behind me
Quickly I turn to see the white Nightwatcher looking questionably at me, its red eyes shining warmly, which was very unnerving to me.
"Who are you exactly!" I spat
"Well that's no way to greet someone." It huffed, narrowing its eyes.
"I don't care, I need to know!" I shouted.
"Well that's rude and why should I in the first place?" It questioned, clearly amused by me.
"Because... because, this is my body and my dream and you have to obey!" I shouted sternly.
The white Nightwatcher bursts out in laughter uncontrollably and manages to chuckle out
"You really are dumb and there is only one thing you should really know, it is that you are half of me and I am half of you! I have been with you since you have been born, don't you see?" It laughed.
Silence was all I did as a response, what it said made no sense at all. How is what it said even possible!
"And you are not in full control of your own body for I am taking over and we are slowly switching places you know. To prove this I will show you."
And suddenly a clear puddle appears in front of me.
"Go ahead and look and you will now see that your eyes are no longer that ice blue, but instead a blood red like mine, normal still unlike mine."
Padding forward I looked into the puddle and sure enough my eyes were that same red as the white Nightwatcher's.
Horror filled me and my jaws dropped as I stared at my new reflection.
"Now I shall tell you good news for the both us, I am going to teach you how to use your abilities to the fully extent that your kind abandoned long before you were born and before Snowsong's time as well." It said, swishing it's twelve tails back and forth.
"Okay," I barely said, still in shock at what this creature was saying was true so far.
"We have very similar abilities, I can breathe white fire, you can breathe black fire." It explained.
"What's the difference?" I asked warily.
"Well my white fire burns quicker and leaves the foe with bones and severe burns on their body, but yours burns their insides and doesn't leave bones showing. Both of our fire wont stop burning unless we will it to." It smiled.
"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, still unsure.
"Well let's just think of it as a gift and you will need it very soon for the battle that is ahead." It chuckled, it's unnatural eyes gleamed with malice.
"What do you mean!" I shouted out.
But the dream was fading and I got no answer.

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