Ch 23, Time part 1

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Moonshadow's POV
"Am I dead?" I shouted but no answer came to me. The mist around me just kept swirling around me giving no clues to where I may be.
I looked around before but I saw nothing but mist and the only thing here was the rock I was standing on. No sounds and no smells lingered here, even the heat of the gloomy sun above seemed to be lost here, like it left or never touched this place.
Then everything came back to me, my kind's slaughter, Breeze's unjustly demise, Shadowmoon's silence, and Night's bloodied corpse and unknown murderer.
"Yes you know who did all of this too you, the one who made your old home a slaughterhouse, the one who let your kind die when she knew it was happening, the one who was going along with the two who killed Breeze, the one who killed Night." A whispering voice said, seeming to be coming from all around me.
"No stop it!" I screamed. "Your just trying to torture me!"
"Don't you notice? The ones in Spirit's camp? Don't you know what they're thinking?" The voice whispered again.
"Stop!" I lowered my heads, my claws scraping against the rock beneath me.
"Don't you know?" The voice whispered louder becoming more distorted.
I just stood my ground giving the voice no answer. I must be going insane!
This isn't true, it's all a lie!
Then the voice spoke again but before it did I heard the many voices of the other Skyjolts in Spirit's camp talking too.
"I heard that she killed the Dracoweres's search party."
"Ya, I heard that she her kind were just pretending to be peaceful when they were getting ready to pounce on us."
"They're just horrible I am glad they're gone, they had the right to die by the paws of the Dracoweres!"
"Serves them right, I also heard many saying that that Moonshadow is just a ruthless monster like the rest of them!"
"She's so creepy, she keeps staring at us like she can hear us."
"I hope she would just die!"
"Let that monster die!"
"No stop!" I screamed. Then everything fell silent.
Then the voice came back, "Oh maybe it wasn't just that Dracowere, Midnight I believe, that caused it all! Maybe it was someone else that killed your Night? Oh maybe it was, no it couldn't be right that would be unrealistic!" The voice laughed.
"Who?!" I yelled hoping it would leave after I gave it an answer.
"Oh maybe....... YOU!" It laughed.
Immediately I heard a dripping sound coining from behind me. I turned to see and was faced with Night's dead ripped corpse. The sound was his blood dripping from the sky above him, his blood pooled around him. I stared in horror unable to move, my jaws hung open, my eyes pinned unmoving on his ghostly glazed eyes.
"No, it wasn't me, it wasn't me! I screamed.
The voice just kept laughing, non stop and clearly relishing my pain.
Then something cold touched me from behind, turning to look I was faced with the dead corpse of Breeze, just standing there with the same glazed eyes. And behind him was all the other long dead Nightwatchers, Snowsong, Sunleaf, Dapple, Graysky, even the other seven leaders stood there like the others with dead glazed eyes, their bodies bloody and the bones showing in many places.
"Help us!" Breeze groaned his jaw limply hanging.
"Help us please!" The Nightwatchers whispered.
"I didn't do it! I can't!" I scram, my self consciousness was slipping away.
The voice through laugher said,
"Oh yes you can, you know who did all of this to you! You must don't you!"
Then something inside of me snapped and my mind and thoughts turn dark. And with hate boiling inside of me I spoke
"I will kill everyone that Midnight holds dear and then, only then will I kill her!"
End's POV
As I stood there watching Moonshadow I smiled, "My work here is done! Now tell me Moonshadow who must die!"
And Moonshadow repeated, "Everyone she holds dear and then, only then will I kill her!"
"Good, now tell me, are you a monster like those Skyjolts think you are?"
No reply came.
"Hmm oh well, now that I have full control I can finally finish this myself."
Padding forward I came in front of Moonshadow and then lifted my left paw.
"Oh by my great power I call upon the five demons of the underworld to give this mortal the "gift" I received so many many centuries ago, give her the chains binding her to the depths of hell and binding her forever to me!"
And with those words spoken I slammed my paw to the ground and the ground cracked behind our paws just in front of us. Shiny cuffs and chains rose from the black crack and fastened onto Moonshadow's necks and wrists, but once they did they immediately turned bloody and a feeling of death and hate surrounded Moonshadow. Her eyes once so long ago and ice blue were again changed, now glowing red like mine.
"Hmm, that seems to be all, well goodbye for now." I chuckled.
But then something held me back, like something around my necks....
Then I looked back to see that the chains from her cuffs had attached to mine.
"Ah hell no! This sucks, now I can't go anywhere in the mind scape without you tagging along!"
Sighing I calmed myself down, this is nothing big nothing at all. I need to focus on destroying that Scorpiox and that Dracowere called Midnight!
Smiling I yanked the binding chain that Moonshadow was attached to, she obeyed and walked along behind me as I went back to reality and the mortal realm.
Waking I find myself in my puddle of blood from before.
"Great, now I have to hunt down that Rakashy!" I groaned clenching my teeth.
Looking behind me I saw that Moonshadow was gone.
"Finally and good for me!" I sighed.
Looking at the sky I saw the sky was lit up with bright stars and it was very dark too.
"No matter, after all I am a banished god not that I care about the stupid sky, it would be better if it fell to the earth and burned to ashes along with the other gods!"
Picking myself up I leapt into the sky and unfolded my wings, heading for my enemy's camp to kill. I smiled glaring at the land before me.

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