Ch 38, The Breaking Point

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Moonshadow's POV
I started to shake as Midnight snarled back at me. My gaze stared to grow black and I launched myself into the sky following the other two remaining demons, tears streaked down my faces as I remembered the awful pain and horror I had felt as my family died that night when Breeze was slaughtered, when Night was ripped open....
"No no no!!" I screamed.
Midnight's words ran through my head,
"Your not the only one who can feel pain in this world!"
Then sounded a very familiar voice, one I hoped I wouldn't hear...
"Your not going to leave like those cowards are you Moonshadow! Your coming with me!" End's voice laughed below and I felt my chains dragging me back to toward are entrance of the cave.
Screaming I was dragged down and instantly in my mind I remembered the terror from before when he crushed me.
Instead of his jaws crushing me this time was that I was clenched tightly in his huge paw. He had returned to his black flaming state, his pure red eyes stared insanely into me, and his red jagged mouths were smiling....
"Don't you want to get revenge on that Midnight! After all she did kill the ones you held so dearly in your heart for all this time, twice even!" He laughed.
My eyes grew wide and my jaws dropped,
"What do you mean twice!" I screeched.
"Oh you didn't know? Here I will show you!" He snarled his eyes lighting up with madness and before I knew It everything was going backwards and End's clock struck six.
We changed places to a unfamiliar cave with lush vegetation and a river, a hole opened wide in the ceiling.
I watched as everything started to slow and I watched.
"Attack!" I heard Midnight cry out and with that I saw a small group of unfamiliar demons get ripped apart easily by the attacking Dracoweres. But quickly my questioning expression turned into horror as the bodies the the demons transformed to reveal that they were my family, all of them now lying there dead once more!
"NO this can't be true! I saw them in the middle sector! They're still there!" I screeched, tears streaking down my faces uncontrollably.
When I looked up again I saw Midnight standing there over the dead broken body of Snowsong, my mother's blood coated her paws.
Looking over I saw Breeze's small body was ripped in half his jaws gaping open from when he had died screaming in terror. Next to him was Night's mangled body, his head was twisted in the wrong direction, his wing was torn to shreds, his left ear was missing, his limbs stuck out in abnormal directions, his cold dead eyes stared at me as if he could see me in his last seconds of his life....
Then I heard from beside me End's voice whisper into my ear.
"She did this to you!"
Then I felt something inside of me snapped and I felt a sudden burst of rage come over me and my eyesight flashed red....
End's POV
I watched eagerly as Moonshadow seemed to explode with rage and her left side turned white and her chest opened up to reveal a huge gaping hole showing through her. Her eyes became pure red and as did Hate's side of her. Black aura surround her and she let out a ear piercing screech.
I smiled widely and flicked my tails and we returned back to the present.
My chains rattled as suddenly Moonshadow raced towards the entrance of the cave, but once there she suddenly stopped with her head held low.
Following, I snuck around her using my time distortion and saw Midnight turn around her eyes widened with shock. They quickly narrowed with rage.
Her eyes turned into ablaze of purple, her tip of her tail and wings infinitesimal into purple fire and as did the purple rings around her paws. Her size became almost as big as mine as she became this dark creature now towering over Moonshadow.
"I said leave you demon!" She screeched and in a flash she slashed deeply into Moonshadow's necks, taking her claws through all of them in that one slash.
Blood splattered around Moonshadow, but she still looked down seeming to be totally unaffected and unaware of what had just happened.
Midnight stood there her eyes stared down at her coldly.
Then slowly Moonshadow raised her heads. Her body was completely somehow normal and completely black, her eyes had changed once more back to a normal blue, tears were streaking down her faces.
"I know I'm not the only one! You will never understand what my pain is! Never!" She growled but she neither moved or changed.
"And how is that so, what's so different between us!" Midnight shouted slamming her huge paw to the ground.
"You have your mate, you still have family in your pack, your daughter and your son, ones who trust you, and ones who will protect you no matter the cost." Moonshadow paused and stared straight in Midnight's cold purple eyes.
"I had a close friend, I once had family, I once had a son, a home, my own kind, no one is left to trust me. I have nothing!" She screamed.
"You will never understand my pain Midnight!" Moonshadow then turned around to me as if she could still see me.
"I won't follow you anymore End!" She snarled.
Midnight's eyes grew wide with surprise.
Sighing I let out a laugh undoing the spell of distortion.
"You can't do that Moonshadow, remember you don't have a choice, you can never escape!" I snarled.
How did she even turn back to her old self at this point after completely losing it?
"Your probably wondering how I turned back to normal, but I didn't really I will never be able to.... Thing is that I am close to losing it again but I am holding myself back." Moonshadow turned back to Midnight who flinched as Moonshadow's left side began to reveal horns and spikes, her wings returned.
For the first time I noticed that she was tightly clenching her teeth showing her desperation.
"Thank you Midnight for waking me up, even if I will never be able to see you again." She whispered smiling and then right before our very eyes Moonshadow's body was ripped open and blood splattered all over us as she fell the ground. Her gaze becoming glazed...
"You think killing yourself will save you! Your far from saving Moonshadow!" I growled and before I knew it I leaped into her body.
Opening my new eyes I found myself laying on he cold bloody stone floor of the cave, Midnight stood a little ways away.
Setting one foot out I raised myself to my paws and laughed as I stared at Moonshadow's own other two heads.
Midnight stared in horror as I met her blazing eyes, I smiled.
"So Midnight how was that beautiful scene for you?" I snickered.

Coldblooded: Moonshadow's Dark PastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant