Ch 5, Lost

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In a instance the pod crashed into the ground of a new planet and I slam into the hard metal surface of the pod.
"Crap, that hurt!" I exclaim
As I pushed the pod open I saw a new world lay out before me, mountains and trees mostly for a way then beaches and meadows.
I step outside and feel the cool breeze ruffle my fur and my twelve tails feel like a feathers floating in the wind. The air smells like pine and nature, I remembered yet again that I am alone and try and think of what I should do.
"I could build a small den of my own and find a clean source of food and water," I thought out loud
"Or find a creature who knows this place and can help me find a better place to camp,"
I thought hard and then went with my second idea, for I had no clue where I should go. So I venture out into a dense pine forest and already so soon I come upon a creature standing on two legs with no fur. It carried a shiny sharp object and walked fairly slow. I growled letting my three different voices ring out, and as I thought the creature ran away towards a clearing.
A while after the encounter I come upon a small cave with a scent of a creature that I never knew, so being curious I went inside. The scent was stale but I heard a yelp from a corner and when I got closer I saw a small reddish body of a furry creature very similar to me. As I closed in I could see more, it had a long fluffy tail and pointy ears with greens eyes. It yelped again and I could easily tell that it was abandoned by its mother.
"Why are you alone little one?" I called out softly as to not scare the poor thing.
"Mother left and she hasn't come back since." It whimpered, through its sniffling in sorrow.
"Well do you have other family? I could help you find them." I replied taking a seat a foot away from the pup.
"No, it was just me and mom. She said she would be back but...." It cut off as it choked on its words.
Tears started to welling up in its eyes and violent shivers made the pup collapse. I padded over and pressed my noses into its fur and said " Its going to be okay, I will take care of you now."
The pup looks up nodding
"May I lay down with you?" I asked politely.
"Sure," and slides over and leaves a open spot in the old nest. As I climb in I noticed that I was much bigger, no longer a older pup now a younger adult.
"Sorry to ask but what are you?" I questioned looking over at the pup.
"My mom told me that I am a fox and we live on Earth." It said with a puzzled look on its face.
"Earth, is that the planet we are on now?"
"Yes, how come you didn't know that?" The pup now looked at me really confused as to the question.
"Well I lived on a different planet called Smoth very far away. There very powerful creatures roam the lands, including my race called the Nightwatchers." I explained.
"Oh," The pup says yawning.
"Why don't you get some sleep?" I soothed.
"Okay," The pup whispers.
As he does he asks what my name was,
"My name is Moonshadow and what's yours?"
"Breeze," he says sleepily
I curl my tails over him like a blanket and lay my heads down then fell asleep.
For the first time after the sight of my kin being slaughtered on Smoth, I actually was happy again....

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