Ch 30, Brothers and Sisters

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Shadowmoon's POV
I started as Frostrion and the Dracowere pushed through the portal and disappeared back to the mortal realm. What the hell is going to happen now! A soul that is hasn't been cursed has escaped back to the mortal realm! This can't be good!
I shook my heads and looked to my side the see the dead body of the demon of Rage laying unmoving and her eyes showing the terror as her body was killed and was left to the spirit realm with the others.
End and Deathwish were snarling at each other and pretty soon Deathwish padded off back to his throne and End and Moonshadow wandered off towards the underworld gates.
I paid little attention to them as I just looked solemnly down Rage. I always thought she was the least annoying of the demons and we could relate, so I said my last words and watched as her body began to disintegrate into the air around me, leaving no trace of her ever again.....
Then the strangest things happened and then I saw Rage's spirit standing there in front of me were her body once lay just looking calmly at me. Then turning she lead me up into the air into shadows and soon we appear in front of the gates of the underworld. She howled the same words as we always do to enter the underworld and as we raced across the underworld everything became distorted then black......
Just great! I thought. Then our vision came back to us and we were in a shadow forest were the sky was a dim purple and beside me were the other demons, even the sixth demon Moonshadow was there but she was slightly off..... Her body was now covered in blood and blood was streaming from her eyes down her faces. I then noticed in front of me was End, no but this time he had that same clock in him, like all those centuries ago, when he was Time.
Then strangely enough we all in usion spoke, "Time has returned!" And he looked up and saw us.
Smiling we all again in unison spoke, "Time will never die!"
Then with that he smiled with all three of his heads and we took off towards to realm where we would soon lay havoc....
End's POV
Then though my madness, I shouted
"I going to pay a visit to my dear Brothers and Sisters!"
The demons seemed to understand and vanished for now.... And I slipped into a black void to appear out of the ground in the mortal realm and I raced across the sky.
I closed my eyes and began to sent out my message to the others... to meet at that hell forsaken mountain where they cursed me for eternity and turned their backs on one of their own...
I smiled to myself and opened my eyes and saw below me the oh so familiar ground below when I came here last....
Oh how delightful it will be to see the looks on their faces! Especially that of Cerberus's, he hasn't seen me since before I have been banished!
At last the mountain that broke through the clouds came into view and before I knew it I broke through the clouds and was faced with the same old shrine from all those years ago, still standing the same. Even the marks from last time were still quite visible on the hard stone around the shrine.
I landed in my designated spot in the round landing before the shrine. Soon Brightsky, Deathwish, Solar, Lunar, and Cerberus will arrive, my twelve tails twitched with anticipation.
Beside me on my right was Deathwish's spot then to my left was Cerberus's then Brightsky's, Lunar's, and Solar's spots in front of me, in a huge circle.
I looked at the signs engraved in the stone pillars behind our spots from Cerberus's to Deathwish's, then looking behind me with one of my heads I saw the claw marks raking across my sign for time the pillar clearly beaten and old and in ruin unlike the others which were in good condition and undamaged.
I turned my head back and heard the sound of wings and there landing before me was Lunar and Solar, then Brightsky, Cerberus, and then Deathwish taking their spots all clearly staring directly at me, their eyes betraying nothing to me....
I could clearly Cerberus that was in shock of my new appearance, clearly showing the horror of what happened to his second oldest brother.
I stood tall and stared coldly into their eyes, "Well hello Brothers and Sisters! I called you all here to have a little chat, let's get started shall we!" I laughed heartlessly.
Everyone seemed to hesitate and finally Cerberus broke the silence,
"Time.... what happened to you!" He shouted.
I just smiled and my eyes widen with this empty dark emotion of excitement.
"I don't understand, Lunar!" He turned to Lunar but she just shook her head.
"Solar?" Ciberus questioned hopefully.
Solar sighed and spoke,
"He's no longer the Time you once knew, he is no longer Time he is End..... After we banished him to the underworld he changed greatly and this is what you see before you, into this monster....." He growled.
"This can't be true? Why would you do it! Why?" Cerberus shouted.
Solar gave no reply.
"Because they hated me, apparently so much that they did away with me, isn't that right Solar!" I snapped my eyes gleamed, my claws scraped the stone.
"Tell him really why you all banished me all those years ago!" I snarled. "Lets go back in time to see what happened those millions of years ago!"

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