Ch 15, Choice part 2

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Days have past since my encounter with Night the Mix Skyjolt, he told me all he knew about the attack with the Nightwatchers, telling me that the Mix group didn't even know about the tragedy and he bet that the Coal group, the Ice group, or possibly both of them were there at the time.
Now me and Night have become close friends, hunting together, sharing stories, and watching the other Skyjolts together. He showed me where he lived the day we encountered, it was in the pines in a old badger den. I told him that that was no place to live and he just laughed and told me that it wasn't that bad when you got used to it. Now somehow in my mind I am comforted by his presence and he seems to fill part of the hole within me that Breeze once did as well.
"Hey stupid, your just starting at me! Your always so quiet, why is that?" Night shouldered me as we were heading out to watch the Skyjolts.
"I am not stupid and so what if I am quite, does that bother you!" I barked.
"Okay chill, I sorry Moonshadow." He laughed.
"Hey let's go, I don't want to stand here all day." I sighed, letting smiles softly stretch across my faces.
We pad down to the hiding spot and and comfortable in the leaf foliage on the ground. At noon the Skyjolts were sharing prey and bathing in the sunlight drowsily. Night had dozed off and lay sleeping beside me, his ears twitching once and a while.
"You doofus, you just had to doze off on me like that." I murmured.
Over the past few days we also trained together and practice facing each other and learned from each other new techniques. The day ended like usual, Night walked me back to my cave and padded in the pine forest to his den. I fell asleep almost at once, but woke up in a dream. It was in a lush forest with ferns and leaf holding trees, the sunlight was everywhere making it seem cheerful here. Turning around I see Breeze and Shadowmoon padding up to greet me. This time Breeze was normal, strong, healthy, and happy unlike the last time at his grave. Breeze spoke first,
"Mom, I glad to see you. We have something to share with you."
"Sure what is it?" I asked, glad to see him in a much uplifting state.
Shadowmoon replied "Well first of all it's about you and me. You see now that you have achieved dominants over me, we have to work together when fighting. Remember when I was controlling half of you and you the other, we were at the strongest form, half black and half white."
"Okay, so what do we have to do?" I inquired.
"We are going to train here for four nights to achieve control of this form and we both have to cooperate or it won't work and there will be consequences." Shadowmoon darkly said.
Breeze nodded and spoke, "And secondly, there is something we must tell you."
"Okay I listening," I said sitting down with both of them in front of me.
"Moonshadow, you need to make the choice, you can't have a paw in both worlds." Shadowmoon said narrowing her eyes.
"What do you mean two worlds?" I cocked my heads sideways.
Shadowmoon spoke, "It means you can't be with Night and keep watching and wanting to be in a camp like with the Skyjolts! You have to choose Moonshadow."
"Yes Mom, you have to choose." Breeze said
"But...." I stammered, but Shadowmoon and Breeze were already fading. As they dissolved into the sunlight Breeze whispered to me,
"I am sorry mother that it has to be this way, but don't give in to the darkness no matter what."
"I won't" I shouted after him. And I woke up to Night calling my name and shaking me awake.
"Hey, there you are, back from the dead I see! You seemed to be in some kind of nightmare or dream cause you were muttering weird words I couldn't make out." He smiled.
"Sorry, but I was fine. Night there is something I have to tell you."

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