Ch 26, The Sixth Demon

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End's POV
As I felt the strong winds against my wings I knew that a storm was coming, a bad one. The sounds of thunder sounding very far away, sounds that only gods could hear. Smiling I thought of that Nightwatcher, she was now in my chains.... forever bound to me and the underworld ... condemned to the end of time. Very soon she will see things my way!
"And second thought I going to let her do all the killing! Then it will be more interesting and she will become a demon, the sixth demon!" I laughed.
There was once five demons, the demon of betrayal, the demon of secrets, the demon of recklessness, the demon of rage, and finally the demon of hate. There was thought to be once a sixth, but if it were true, it was long forgotten.... When I first was banished to the underworld, I saw this part of the underworld that I have never been able to find ever again. I saw a black creature leading the souls of these children into a dark shadow forest where the sky was a dim purple and fog hung thickly and before I blacked out I saw the creature look back at me with icy blue eyes. Then her gaze changed and the world around me seemed to black out its eyes and just before I blacked out I saw that it's eyes had changed to completely black and had the same brightly glowing red pupils as I do now and it smiled revealing sharp bloodstained teeth. I never saw this shadow forest again nor did I see this creature or the child souls it was leading. A rumor spread through the five demons speaking of a sixth demon... the demon of ruin and misfortune...... This demon was said that it was the being of sorrow, accidents, destruction, and misery. It was said that it was black and had changing eyes and was thought to lead the unfortunate souls of children who died into another realm connected to the underworld to be eaten.
Now that she had the chains, they would slowly change her body and her mind would become corrupt. Then again it could have been all a vision or dream seeing that black creature.
She will leave nothing but ruin behind her, and she see the ones that despised her and resented her. She will see things my way! I picked up the sound of Dracoweres talking below and I swooped down just outside of the camp in a well hidden spot and then everything went black.....
Moonshadow's POV
I sat there alone in the forest by the pond where Midnight, Deathwish, and End were once standing. Then everything around me seemed to transform into a new surroundings, one that was black and red. I looked around seeing completely black except the sky and water which were red. A putrid smell rose from the ground, the smell of blood and death. The smell was overwhelming and I almost blacked out from it. Looking down I saw the cause of the smell, there splattered everywhere were the dead bodies of the dead, blood just about covering the whole ground. I almost lost my stomach from the sight and swallowing I looked more closely at the rivers and saw that they were not red water but blood and the sky was a dim lit red. Ahead of me was a huge kind of throne made of the broken bones of the dead and around me I see the poor bloody souls of the dead, chains came from their necks and connected to each other. Lines of these souls slowly walked along and didn't seem to end. I without knowing took a paw step forward and I felt my paw touch something warm and slick. Look down at my paw I saw in horror that I stepped into blood and as I raised my bloody paw up I felt tears stream down my faces.
"Wonderful isn't it?" A voice echoed in front of me and I turned my heads to face before me was End on his throne, smiling down at me with all three heads. His red eyes gleamed as he smiled his teeth showed blood.

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