Ch 24, Time part 2

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End's POV
Long ago there were in fact six gods many never heard of this for they believed or were told that there were only five... Well it's half true, you see there was one... that was banished long ago, centuries and millenniums before now. You see, about 600 million years ago the six gods were all there in the heavens to do their given work from above whether life, death, guarding, or balancing. The gods were Moon, Sun, Underworld, Life, Death, and the last was Time.....
Death and Time were the ones who were banished so long ago, some had heard of Death being banished by the other gods, but Time.... was long forgotten...... So much so that no soul knows of him except the gods themselves. He was the first to be banished, he at first was proud of his work as a god, but then.... over the years he looked closer at what he was doing. The creatures below thought that Time was taking everything they loved slowly and soon themselves. They soon grew to hate Time and Death for their work that they were doing. Time very soon because of this fell into a deep depression and became more hateful as he became more hated.
It soon drove him to insanity and he started disobeying the rules of the gods by walking among the mortal realm and using his power of time to speed up death sending more to the middle sector.
Time was banished to the underworld and stripped of his powers and name and was given the name End. End didn't just stop there he grew so hateful and mad that his whole body changed into what you see now, a monster. He didn't stay in the underworld, he could travel to the middle sector, the mortal realm, and the god realm too. After millions of years he was joined by Death in the underworld and together turned the place into a inescapable prison for the poor souls and spirits would find themselves there.
Down there End became the god of the underworld and ate the souls of others to gain more power and sustain his hunger for revenge on the other gods above. The gods upon banishing End, cursed him with his chains he wears for eternity.
Still one thing shows that he once held the power of time, when he comes near anything alive it suddenly dies. This is because time around End is thrown off course and they age so fast that they almost instantly are dead. That is but the plants around him when he landed with Rakasky and Rakasky himself, this is because End didn't have full control over Moonshadow's body then and time was normal.
Shadowmoon's POV
As I watched End snarl at the demon of rage, I became more intrigued about this Midnight. Now as End left Midnight's mind and the demon of rage started taking part control over Midnight's body, I too turned away and left the mind scape and went back to my own. With End and the demon of rage taking motion, I was left with nothing but watching from the mind of End's as he raced across the sky. Now that End has taken Moonshadow's body completely and changed her into a monster, now the once restricted power was unleashed and was about to be brought down on the Dracowere camp.
Smiling I stretched my legs then laid down resting my paws. I closed my eyes and started to doze off into a dreamless sleep.

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