Ch 20, Forgotten

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Unknown POV
Darkness..... Nothing but the blackness that surrounds me.... Then a dim light pierced through my eye lids and my eyes flew open. Standing in a sun lit forest, my paws felt the fertile leaf litter and soil beneath me for the first time in a very long time. My fur felt the soft breeze of wind brings the scent of life.... My wings stretched open breaking limbs and twigs doing so, my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright sunlight. This was all something that I never felt before in what seemed like forever, this feeling of life, it almost seemed like I had forgotten it completely. I looked down at my paws and in doing so I became shocked.
"Why hasn't this land already become corrupted?" I chuckled, my neck chains rattled.
This wasn't real, I could already now tell, the ground, the trees, everything because even if I did find such things in my world they would instantly die when I set foot near them. This must be some kind of dream. I shook my head, my chains rattled loudly, and I tucked my wings back to my sides. Then I remembered, I was fighting.
"Fighting who?" I grumbled. Then it slowly it all came back to me. I was indeed fighting, fighting indeed the other gods, sun, moon, underworld, life, and death.
A deep growl rumbled in my throat and I snarled with anger. The god of life along with the other gods were able to suppress me and sent me into a great sleep for over thousands and millions of years, but now, as I smiled maliciously, I have awoken and I will bring upon my great wrath upon this world!
"To everyone I am hell it self, after all I am the new god of the underworld." I laughed.
For those who don't know who I look like, well I have pure black fur, black eyes with red slits, horns that curve backwards, red and black wings of a dragon ripped and torn, glistening chuffs and chains around my neck and wrists, the body of a wolf, and a dark black aura always surrounds me like fire and I have unretrackable shining bloodstained claws. My fur and body covered in bloodstains, my teeth forever stained in the blood of the many lives I've taken. Standing, I dug my claws into the ground.
"I know where I am now!" I groaned.
Over 4 million years ago, those so called justly retches sealed me away into a unborn soul for all this time! Now lets see who this soul is!
Jumping high into the sky through the trees, my wings unfolded and carried me as I raced across the sky higher and higher. Then everything went black.....
Suddenly I was in a completely white place, this must be inside the soul's mind. Then a faintly familiar white figure appeared in front of me, with completely white fur, twelve tails, bright red eyes with black surrounding the irises, three heads, and very fox like.
"Why if it isn't you, demon of hate! Why are you here?" I stood staring amusedly.
"No, its you! How, how are you here!" She shouted.
"Well quite simple really, I was sealed away all those centuries ago, don't you remember? I bet my brother told you all about me!" I smiled.
"No, this can't be happening! It's not true!" She shouted again.
"Oh but it is, now don't tell me you were sealed here too? Oh no wait, I know, you were forced here by That ancient spirit weren't you!" I laughed as I thought it through.
"Let's me guess..." But I was cut off.
"Leave, you don't belong here!" She growled as she stepped closer.
In turn I swiftly in a moment was right beside of her, my mouth near her ears of her right head.
"Now now, that's not the way you speak to me now is it?" I scoffed, a low growl sounded deep in my throat.
I felt her hesitate and clench her teeth, then replied, "Leave here, End."

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