Ch 28, Middle Sector

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End's POV
I stood beside Moonshadow bewildered by the god and Demi god before me, Brightsky and Blazonrift stood between us and the Dracoweres. I stared in terror as I was faced with a chance of death awaited me.
"Leave End, I should never see you face here again." Brightsky growled. Then turning to Moonshadow she added,
"You too, you have chosen the path of darkness, there is no longer hope for you."
Not wanting to see what would happened next I reluctantly growled and raced out the entrance and spead my wings taking to the sky. Bedside me Moonshadow was unsteadily getting used to her new wings the wind currents making her swerve.
I called out above the roar of the wind, "Get ready to drop! And stay right behind me!" I shouted.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod and looking down I saw a open clearing and dove straight down just as we were about to hit the ground a black void opened for us and we plunged down into darkness.
Moonshadow's POV
When I got a hold of my surroundings I saw before us was a world of fire and lava. Cells lined the walls never seeming to end, inside were the ravaged souls of the departed with unfinished business above. This was were most of the souls went before they went to the underworld even farther below.
Then End tugged me forward and we padded down the seeming never ending corridor of the middle sector. No further had we come, before us was the huge figure of Deathwish and the two demons in front on him. Then as we neared I spotted yet another figure, a Dracowere. Then I looked closer I saw it was one of the Dracoweres that tried to attack us but was thrown against the wall and was bleeding. I smiled and nodded to End he looked at the Dracowere and seemed to recognize him too.
Then End called out, "Greetings Deathwish, I have brought so very bad news you might want to know!" He grinned as we were now standing in front of the demons and Deathwish.
He glared at End and replied with a growl, "And what would that be, End?"
"Oh you know, you know how I was just at the Dracowere camp, well you see there they have Brightsky and Blazonrift and I know what they are secretly planning!" End sneered his faces lit up with anticipation.
"And what would that be!" Deathwish snarled back clearly about had it with End's taunting.
"They plan to turn you back to Darksky and turn on me. They seem to not yet have Frostrion with them yet and bet they intend to find him as soon as possible." End grumbled.
"Ugh why now!" Deathwish growled.
I turned to the demons now standing beside Deathwish staring at me coldly. I broke the silence between us, "What is your problem?"
They didn't reply so I turned to the Dracowere standing to the side. He clearly had died from the blow against the cave wall. He spotted me and stared with cold hatful eyes, I turned and spotted a cell with a soul inside I padded up to it and stood right in front of the bars. Peering in I saw a small fox, probably only a small pup, it's eyes were dull and it's fur was so dull that it almost looked gray instead of orange.
As soon as it spotted me it just say there in shock staring at me, then I looked closer and saw that it was frozen I complete terror. When I opened my mouths to speak it curled up tightly into a ball and cried out,
"Please don't eat me! Stay away from me you demon!" It cried. I stood there solemnly, for I had indeed become a demon.
Then a craving came over me and I opened my jaws as I was yawning and I started breathing in the pups soul, before I knew it the pup was gone and I felt a feeling like being full of food again like when I was a mortal, when I ate meat of my prey.
Smiling I licked my lips and turned back to End and Deathwish and saw that they had settled down and were talking between each other. Then they nodded and from what I knew they had decided on something, most likely to work together to prevent Blazonrift and Brighsky to find Frostrion and from Deathwish turning into Darksky. At least that's what I can tell so far......

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