Ch 39, Truce

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Shadowmoon's POV
Racing across the gray sky I turned my left head to see Raseri, the demon of Rage, right on my tails.
We could stay there in that place but we risked greatly our deaths...
A scream sounded behind us and all my heads and Raseri's head turned in the direction of the scream.
My eyes widened as I saw Moonshadow racing out the cave. Suddenly relief flooded through me, but then I saw chains rip her down from the sky and I at once knew that it was End.
Horror shot through me as I watch slowly as Moonshadow was dragged down.
"Better her than us, she's as goner now that End has her there's no telling what's going to happen next." Raseri turned her head back forward.
Though her words sounded real, but her eyes told me otherwise. I tried to slake myself of the awful thought but I couldn't.
Wait why do I really care what happens to that brat! Why? No matter I just check to see if she is still alive and leave!
Nodding my heads I turned to Raseri,
"I am going back, I need to check on something!" I shouted and changed my direction back toward the cave. As I past Raseri she whispered,
"I wouldn't interfere with End...."
I raced ahead towards the cave. Searching in front of the cave where I saw Moonshadow get dragged down I found drops of blood leading inside the cave.
This can't be good.... I thought.
As I landed I could smell the fresh stench of blood drifted to me.
Looking around frantically I saw Midnight's body ripped apart, blood was everywhere.
Moonshadow stood motionless over Midnight's body.
"Moonshadow." I whispered.
Turning her heads ever so slowly I saw that this was in fact her, her body had chains, the same horns, twelve tails, spikes down her back, but oddly enough she had her original ice blue eyes.
Then she smiled that same smile that End would after killing, blood dripping from her mouths.
I stared in shock.
Then suddenly without warning she appeared in front of me.
Her blue eyes raging. Then it hit me, she was towering over me not the same as I saw her last she was my height, but now she towered over me about as much as End would....
"End!" I shouted.
No reply came but I could easy now tell that he had taken her body completely.
I watched as he padded past me and into the air and then I hear the angry voices of the Dracoweres and I knew that it was time to leave.
Moonshadow's POV
As I opened my eyes I saw the familiar scene I hadn't seen in a very long time, the dead forest.
Why am I here, right I died...., I remembered solemnly.
Rising to my paws I gazed at the once grand place.
"It must have been beautiful with fresh leaves and cold air rushing through you." I muttered
Suddenly I heard from behind me a gasping breath and the burned ground crunched with weight on top of it.
Turning around I saw Midnight gasping for breath as she rose to her paws.
"So your dead too, huh." I shouted.
Her head rose up to met mine her eyes glaring coldly.
"So we are Nightwatcher." She growled.
I looked at her coldly my heart twisting as I remembered the horror of my past she had brought upon me and my lost kind.
"We are so unforgiving to each other..." I whispered. "We probably will never really forgive what has happened to us, but one thing is different..."
Midnight nodded still holding her gaze on me, "And what is that?" She muttered.
"We can make a truce for our kind, to subside this coldness between us a little."
"Why the hell would I do that!" Midnight growled
"Because it's not for you or me, it's for our kind."
"So what that won't fix anything!" Midnight snarled taking a paw step towards me.
"It will protect your kind from me..." I shouted.
Midnight stood there watching me, her eyes showed no signs of understanding.
"I am still a demon, I can't die from wounds like these... even if I kill myself..." I growled.
"Soon I will return to the mortal realm and I will still have vengeance on my mind... I can't fully control myself as a demon."
Midnight now seemed to understand, "So you're telling me that this truce will make it so you can't attack my kind?"
I nodded and then pointed to a stone pillar.
"Let's put our mark for the truce on that rock."
Midnight nodded and together we padded up the the rock and used outer claws to mark an cross to make the truce.
Suddenly I felt as if I were fading from this place. Sure enough when I looked over at Midnight, she was fading along with this place.
Then in the distance I could see in the sky, the figures of the Dracoweres waiting for her.
"Goodbye Midnight." I called.
And I couldn't tell if it was just an echo, but I thought I heard Midnight call back,
"Goodbye Moonshadow...."

Coldblooded: Moonshadow's Dark PastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant