Ch 37, What I've Become

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Moonshadow's POV
I watched as I still had my teeth holding the Valvercat in place as her gaze became glazed over and stared off into nothing.
I stepped away and saw that the demon of rage was smiling to herself. Looking over to my left I saw Shadowmoon in her own separate body her eyes looked up from the body of the Valvercat and met mine.
I nodded to her and she started to speak up,
"I believe that this Valvercat was meant to stall us from reaching the others inside the cave, and from the looks of it they have escaped from us for now."
The other demons murmured in agreement keeping their cold gazes on her.
"We need to find them and I know that they didn't leave the cave am I right?" Rage spoke her eyes gleaming.
"They must have used some kind of escape route, but where?" Rage continued begin to lead our way into the cave where sure enough there were no Dracoweres or gods.
I padded over to a wall and pressed my paw against it to see it would break open. But it didn't crack and I turned away wali g back where the other five demons discussed our next move.
"There must be a tunnel leading outside, we need to find that tunnel. Fan out!" Rage ordered.
I shook my heads and fell into step with Shadowmoon and I noticed that she looked irritated.
"What's wrong with you now?" I murmured.
She turned one of her heads and growled,
"Rage orders me around like she is the lead demon! It pisses me off you know!"
Sighing I reply, "Well she has a thing for doing that apparently and well you aren't seeming to be to excited to lead, so she quickly took charge."
Shadowmoon just growled and continued searching.
"Hey Shadowmoon, who were you when you were alive, well as a mortal?" I questioned becoming curious.
"I don't want to talk about it." She whispered.
"Why not?"
"I said I do t want to talk about!" She snarled facing me, her eyes burning with fury.
"Fine." I growled.
Turning my gaze I spotted in a dark part of the cave a kind of entrance to a tunnel.
"I found it!" I screeched to signal the other demons.
As the other demons gathered around and we came to the entrance.
"Something seems off! I wouldn't get too close to it!" Shadowmoon growled, her gaze locked on the tunnel.
"Moonshadow put your claw near the entrance." Shadowmoon instructed.
Lifting my claw up to the entrance I saw a kind of abnormal wall closing off the tunnel.
"I knew it! So they set this barrier up as well!" Shadowmoon snarled becoming inpatient with the situation.
"So it seems..." Rage growled.
"It won't let us pass, it won't allow demons pass this point... but a god I bet it would let pass...." The gray and black Skyjolt remarked.
We all knew what was going to have to happen next but we knew that this would again have to wait....
End's POV
As I watched the demons left the underworld I turned to my gaze and found myself in the middle sector.
All the cells were now open and the souls of the creatures here were free now wandering around trying to find a way out.
As I walked past them, all their movements stopped and they all turned to stare at me with fear in their eyes.
"Where's the ones which Moonshadow holds dear!" I snapped raking my gaze over the now free prisoners.
No one responded.
"Bring them to me!" I snarled and with that they all parted away to reveal the group of Nightwatchers, a fox, and a Skyjolt. They stood there frozen in terror as I slowly padded towards them.
"Now now, don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you. I have come to bring you back to your daughter.
Their expressions relaxed just slightly but the fear in their eyes never left them.
"Let's be on our way, shall we?" I growled teleporting us to the Dracowere cave.
I opened my eyes to see an entrance to a tunnel inside the cave. Behind us I could hear the demons fighting with the Valvercat.
The prisoners stayed quiet not making a sound and keeping their eyes low.
"Follow me and stay quiet." I ordered them.
I lead them down the tunnel and soon I let them past in front of me so I could keep an eye on them.
Chanting a spell in knew for illusions in appearances I continued down the long dark tunnel.
Soon a dim light came into view and I finished the spell and I smiled.
As soon as the prisoners came into the light I heard the sounds of a warning yelp and I opened my eyes to see Dracoweres racing up the the prisoners and starting to leap onto them and try to sink their teeth into their bloodied bodies.
I smiled as a Dracowere raced past me not noticing me one bit and I knew that in their eyes they saw nothing of another god here.
They saw demons invading and not attacking helpless souls of the middle sector.
I stood there watching on as they ripped apart the prisoners and blood splattered everywhere and looked around their bodies.
At the last moment I noticed Midnight and she was in the midst of the fight too before she realized something was wrong and the last of the prisoners was laying dead.
I looked on, eagerness burned within me and with that I recited the spell and with that it was broken.
Midnight's gaze turned to complete horror as she realized that these were in fact no demons but the now dead bodies of the Nightwatchers and ones that Moonshadow held dear.
"Stop!" She screeched and with her Oder her Dracoweres backed off and led the bodies in the mess of blood and flesh on the floor.
"Darksky do you know who these creatures are!" She demanded darkly her head lowered.
Looking around briskly I saw that this was no ordinary cave, but instead a beautiful sene of grass and trees. A river snakes it's way through it and through the ceiling of the place was a hole letting in light.
Beside Midnight now was Darksky, his eyes widened.
"These are souls from the middle sector, they're that last Nightwatcher's loved ones..." he trailed off beginning to understand what had just happened.
I smiled and with that I returned back to the demons who now waited in front of the tunnel.

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