Ch 7, Broken

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Just days after the nightmare, I became very paranoid and sickly.
Breeze now had to provide food for both of us and care for me, and when I insisted on helping he simply said that I was to sick and should rest.
After a while I did sleep but the nightmares kept coming, one was of screams of Sunleaf, Snowsong,and all of the lost Nightwatchers with the Dracoweres chuckling and sneering. Others random and creepy and only once did I get a peaceful sleep.
"Hey Breeze be careful while you hunt tomorrow please, I don't know I would do without you," I murmured
"Don't worry I always am!" He said proudly with a grin.
"Oh really?" I laughed.
I had fallen asleep while Breeze was finishing up eating and when I woken he was gone, hunting as usual now that I am stuck here. I sigh and stretch out of my nest. I look around seeing if there was any cracks in the walls of the cave letting in water, which would drench our bedding. Finding none I peer outside, the sun was bright and now clouds were in sight. I relax and pad outside to be greeted by a ray of sunshine and a slight breeze. I made myself comfortable and stretched out on the soft grass underneath the warm sun. I must have laid there for about an hour before getting to my paws and yawned shaking myself awake.
Smiling I call out for Breeze, but I could hear no response. Maybe he was to far to hear me or he ignored it, but it still seemed a bit odd.
I went back into the den and sat watch, waiting for him to return with his catch. Then something hit me, I have been oblivious to the way Breeze was acting, being more soft and had few stubborn remarks about techniques or ways we change during the seasons.
I knew something was terribly wrong and something bad was going to happen, I just knew it! But what was the cause of this, whatever it is I will dispose of it!
My heart pounding, I ran in the direction he went last, my paws thudding on the soft forest floor.
Along the way I caught his scent, but there was another scent as well one that I smelled before, one that I feared of scenting once more after three years, the scent of two male Dracoweres fairly fresh still.
Now my lungs screamed as I ran faster in fear of the terror that might lay ahead. Seconds after I burst into a hollow with a huge oak stood proud, and there lying dead below it was Breeze. The two male Dracoweres were facing his dead body sneering and kicking him laughing could be heard as well across the hollow. No! No, this can't be happening, not again!
"No, what have you done!" I scram with all three voices, and as they turned to see what made the noise I was suddenly standing in the same place as before in my nightmares. And again those red burning eyes stared into my soul never moving, but this was different now I could see the creature, it had white fur, twelve tails, and it was indeed a white Nightwatcher! I stared with my mouths gaping, then the Nightwatcher suddenly appeared right in front of me only a few inches away and whispered to me
"Poor little Moonshadow, let me take care of this for you." It spoke with a hint of amusement.
Then everything went black....

White Nightwatcher's Prov
I find myself starting with fresh tears streaking down my new body's face and then my eyes turned red and the once white surrounding the iris turned black and my new black fur turn completely white like I was before in the dreams of the black Nightwatcher. Instantly I felt the rage and sadness of the black Nightwatcher pulsing through my veins, let alone my own hatred for all living things.
I screeched and I could see the two male Dracoweres screaming in pain as the sound pierced their ears, and blood could be seen oozing out of them. I smiled and took a deep breath in and out I breathed white fire soon instantly engulfing the Dracoweres with only their terror being heard through their screams. They began rolling on the ground trying to disperse the flames, but it of course did them no good and they continued to scream in pain.
"Well now, seems to me that we just might get along. But now you're truly broken!" I laughed.

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