Ch 10, New Arrivals

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Months now have passed, the training with the white Nightwatcher was going well, I now can control simple things with my abilities. Later in the training I started calling the Nightwatcher Whitey, but it didn't fit and she despised it, so we both agreed on the name Shadowmoon because it was the backwards version of my name Moonshadow. Though Shadowmoon is helping me now, I doubt that she will usually do this again anytime soon.
Sighing I pad into the clearing where the ancient oak stood protecting Breeze's grave. For a while I sat in front of it feeling lonely and old sadness gnawed at my heart. Not knowing, I had fallen asleep beside his grave, the wind whispered into my ears. Looking up at the sky I saw something heading straight into the earth at lightning speed. Lying low I watched as it crashed at least a mile away from where I was and I could hear the ground crack as it hit. Dread and curiosity filled me, slowly I walked the forested mile and soon saw smoke rising, quickly I hid behind a pine tree and peered out. The first thing I saw was the metal round pod being heavily damaged. I had a hard time telling what ever came was dead or alive inside the pod, but there was an answer for me.
I heard the yelp of a creature inside then more different voices arguing.
Moments pass then the pod seal opens and the creatures hop outside. The first to come out was a blue fox, then a red bear, I was able to get some of the words they were saying,
"Wow, we are really here on a new world! What do you think Megan?"
"Well I think there's a new chance of life here, but there is still always danger lurking."
Guessing from their talking, I know that the blue fox is called Megan and the red bear Red and by the looks of it they are close friends, but I could here other voices apart from their's coming from the pod.
While Red and Megan pad a little ways away and look around at their unfamiliar surroundings, the other two creatures came out one a Skyjolt the other a Dracowere.
I could feel rage boiling though out my body and I tell myself to settle down and I relax as my fur laid flat again and my claws still pierced the soil. I stared at the two creatures that caused my whole world to crumble and caused many deaths of my kin. The Skyjolt was talking with the Dracoweres as if they were friends, but weren't their kind at war? Puzzled I thought more deeply and I remembered that was over a century ago and many times had changed while I was gone, but I bet there is still fights between the two.
Maybe these two are different and have given up their savage ways more! Glee filled me, but again I can't be sure.....
Days later after the pod crashed I would go out everyday to watch the group of Smoth creatures explore and hunt, soon they made camp in the forest. Also to my surprise there they met with more Skyjolts and Dracoweres, even so more other creatures too. My guessing is that they have been here a while and landed somewhere different. Still I couldn't help but wish they had died on the impact as well as the many others now....
I headed back to the cave, satisfied with my new discovery, watching, and hunting I munched on a rabbit and drift into sleep.
"Hmm so is that so?" Shadowmoon mumbles "Oh yes I almost forgot, but there is something else you should learn."
"And what is that? Don't tell me it is eating smaller bites again, because if it is..."
"No, it's your last ability turning invisible." Shadowmoon irritatingly says but with good meaning.
Well it took a while and after a lot of scolding from Shadowmoon my so called trainer, but I was getting the hang of my second ability. I nodded my thanks and said goodbye to Shadowmoon as I start to wake, feeling the excitement rushing through me. But as I stretched something slid into place in my memory and it was not a good kind of memory. For I suddenly realized that on that night that the Dracoweres slaughtered my kin and when I faintly scented Skyjolt, for I knew what the real reason why I did. I remember now that I saw them flying above watching the whole thing not even leading a paw to help us but just simply watched us be slaughtered!

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