"I'll call your bluff, still no," I say sweetly, leaning in to him as well.

"I triple dare you, or else I'll kidnap you and take you to Italy tomorrow and we'll both be gone."

The term 'kidnap' is a bit unnerving.

"I don't believe you, my parents will look for me," I say.

"Not unless they know it's a friendly thing. Your parents trust me, I'm a Styles."

"Or they hate your existence because you're a Styles."

"They do?" He asks.

I laugh, "No. It's just business."

"Come on, please just come with me," he says, changing the subject. "Please? I think you're the only one among the cats I haven't given a gift yet."

"Really? What did you give to Isabelli?" I ask, quizzing him to see if he's lying.

"Peppa Pig DVDs, all currently existing seasons," he answers and obviously, he found out about Isabelli's Peppa Pig addiction.

"What about Micha?"

"A DVD of Tangled, Frozen and Brave."

"Wow, um, Louis?"

"A football."

"Okay, Runner?"

"A hoodie."


He purses his lips, and when he does, I realize how close our faces are so I lean back a little as he answers, "DVDs of the entire Supernatural series."

"Gee, I really am the only one," I mumble with a sigh.

"So?" Harry asks a little impatiently, obviously wanting me to come with him now.

"Okay, but we'll be quick, alright?" I say as the condition.

"Yes, Swift," he mumbles and smiles. He stands up and offers me his hand but it's really one of the rare moments of me not really accepting his hand.

I fix my things and stand up on my own, "Shall we?"

"Race you there."

We both run to the parking lot without a signal or anything else. We just run after he says it. I have no idea if I'm just faster than him or he's cutting me some slack because I get to his car even before he does.

We both catch our breaths first.

"Were you taking it easy on me – or are you just plainly tired that — you were actually slower?" I ask, breathing every once in a while.

Harry opens the car door for me and sighs, "Yes, I'm tired."

"Then you should — head home, we can do this thing tomorrow." I'm kind of hoping he falls for this fake concern so that I get to sneak pass his gift-giving thing.

He laughs, "I've spent a load of time with you, stranger. As much as I want to believe you, you're a liar so either get in or I'm really going to pull the kidnapping thing."

"Runner will kill you," I mutter as I enter his car.

As soon as he enters the car and closes the door, he starts driving towards the nearby mall. The car ride is only filled with music coming from the radio and our tired breathing even after we're over halfway there.

I keep looking at his right arm that has the band. "What kind of injury is that?" I ask after a couple of moments of restraining myself.

"Needle injury," he mutters.

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