i saw the girls stare at her like "I know she didnt" look.i just looked away and continued to wait for my plate.

Autumn:do you think you need to go change?(attitude)

Yasmin:whats wrong with that i got on??(mad)

Hazel:the fact that you walking around half naked looking like you at a victoria secret from the bottom up fashion show while you have other people in the house with you in a little....ummm....how do i put this?? Thotish(mad)

Yasmin:Thotish?? Well, Quees, tae, peanut don't think its thotish....nor does bryson(smirks)

as she said my name she looked directly at me and smirked.

i saw hensley put down everything she was cooking with and walk out the kitchen.

i knew something was wrong then and there.

so i got up out my seat, and went to find out what was wrong......

Hensley PoV

I slammed my bedroom door shut.

i couldnt believe what yasmin was doing right now.

i wanted to jump over the counter and beat that hoe face in.....but i just walked away while i still was calm.

i sat on the end of the bed and looked down.

what if bryson did kiss yasmin??

what if?

as i was thinking, i heard the bedroom door open.

i didnt bother to see who it was, just knew i didnt want to talk right now.

especially to bryson.

Bryson:baby whats wrong??

as i heard bryson voice i stood up quick.


bryson looked at me confused.

bryson:what?? did she also tell you about the part where yasmin tried to kiss me and i pushed her away.....huh?? she didnt see that i bet because she only saw what she wanted to see

i ignored bryson.

right now i was feeling like he was starting to act like rodney.

and i was here for the cheating.

i started walking, mainly to get out the room but bryson grabbed my arm.

Bryson:why won't you talk to me??(mad)

Hensley:because....your just like rodney.......go head and be with yasmin...i don't need none of this in my life.....i like you i really do, but im not here for the cheating(crying)

bryson:cheating?? hensley you everything i want in a female and you think im cheating?? what ima do with a thot, when i have a queen?? don't ever compare me to no nigga that hurt you the most, when im trying to show you different....you to busy worried about me hurting you, you don't see whats in front of you......(mad)

as bryson said that he stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.

all i was worried about is how did the situation switch to bryson being the victim....

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