Chapter 22

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Kaitlyn POV:

Weeks past as Niall continued to heal he stayed living with me and Harry. Living arrangements weren't the most comfortable but we made it work. It wasn't what I was most worried about, Paisley first birthday was coming up and I hadn't made a single plan. I didn't even know what to do. I decided to call my grandma as I handed talk to her since the funeral for my parents. They lived farther away but I knew she would help plan the party.

* ring ring *

"Hello?" a little women voice said from the other end.

"Hello Grandma its me Kait" I said

"How are you!" she said more excited knowing it was me.

"Fine, just trying to figure out what to do for Paisley birthday, any ideas," I said standing in the kitchen.

"hmm well we could just have the family and friends come, I mean its not like she's going to remember much of it now is she." she said laughing.

I laughed and continued to listen as she went off talking about something else. Harry walked into the kitchen shirtless. I watched him as he headed towards they fridge. His abs were sweaty as he must of just finished his work out. I continued to stare forgetting I was on the line with my grandma.

"hello? hello? kait?" I heard from the other end.

"yes grandma I'm here sorry," I said blushing as Harry turned around laughing as he caught me staring.

I turned to look away continuing to talk to on phone, I could hear Harry walk up behind me, but I still jumped when I felt his breath on my neck.

"Hey grandma I'll call you back later." I said before hanging quickly turning around to be up against Harry's bare chest.

"Morning," I said looking up at him.

"Morning," Harry said starring down at me with a cheeky grin.

Which only made me smile.

"Since Niall is going be out at a doctors appointment, I can I take you and Paisley to the park?" Harry said locking his eyes with mine.

"Sounds like a plan," I said laughing and stepping away from him.

"What's so funny," he said giving me a helpless look. "Can't a guy wanna take him friend and her daughter to the park?" He said trying not to laugh.

"Yeah a guy can, but I'm surprise you are that guy." I said

"I'm not that guy?" Harry said now more confused

I shrugged it off not wanting to go into this conversation. I walked out the room hoping Harry wouldn't continue.

"You can't just walk away," he yelled from the kitchen.

"Just did!" I yelled back.

Harry POV:

I stood there in the kitchen thinking over her words. "Not that guy," what does that even mean.

I walked out to where Niall was in the living room resting on the couch.

"You asleep?" I said sitting in the chair across from Niall.

"No, just listing" he said opening his eyes.

"You heard us? So is it okay if I take them to the park?" Harry said.

"It's fine, just remember she's mine." Niall said slowly sitting.

I held me breath when he said those words. It still hurts to think that she's with him. If only Paisley wasn't in the way of things then I wouldn't be so fair.

I nodded to Niall. Before getting up to get dressed.

"Liam's taking you?" I said before reaching the stairs.

"Yep, he should be here soon," Niall said not looking up from hims phone.

"You okay ?" I said as I notice a look on him face sudden change.

"Yeah I'm fine," he said quickly typing into phone then putting it up to his ear.

Niall POV:


I waited for the other end to pick up.

"Hello?" A female voice from the other end spoke.

"Anna?" I said slowly.

"Yes Niall?" She said nervously

"What's going on?" I said in a worried tone

"I think there's a problem...." She said

"I know I got your text what is it!" I said for frantically.

"I think you not her father..." Anna said.

The line went silent.

Not her farther, not Paisleys ?

"Niall??" She said as I did not say anything.

"What do you mean I'm not her father," I said now a little angry.

"Well ever since the social worker started talking to me..." She stopped

"Who's the other guy.." I said

"It's no one it was a one night thing and a old friend of mine, niall after I did it I felt terrible and I couldn't bare to hurt you." She said.

I could feel tear starting to form in my.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I said angrily.

"I was scared, i didn't wanna be alone ! I didn't want you to leave me, I loved you Niall!"she said I could hear She was crying.

I was just about to speak when I heard Liam's car door slam, he was coming to pick me up.

"We will talk about this later" I said before hanging up. I slowly went over to the door not sure what to think anymore.


Okay so sorry!!! I was on spring break and I got really busy!!! I promise I'm going try to write more!!

Thanks so much for everyone for sticking around and reading it means a lot!! :) I hope you are enjoying it.

Please continue you read , comment and vote :) I love hearing you input on the book and if there anything to make it better let me know!

Thanks so much you all are awesome!

Next chapter should be soon (will be about Harry and Kait and the park ;) haha)

Ps. Do you think Niall really isn't the father or is Anna lying

Also most of this is unedited so sorry! :/

Adopting Niall Horans BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ