Going to Murakami's (Part 2)

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"I've never seen this chick before in my life."


His brothers all yell in unison. He just smirks, entertained by all of this apparently. But his dad hasn't said anything yet. We all can see a look in the rat's eyes, that most likely never means anything good. But before anything else can happen, Donnie notices something.

"Uh, guys, she's bleeding."

Everyone turns their attention to me at once, and I almost flinch again. "What?" I look down to see my shirt where Donnie is looking. It wasn't a lot, but there was some red dotting bleeding through the stomach of my shirt.

I had felt myself bruising over but hadn't realized my stomach must have started bleeding from when that PD kicked me with his sharp ass boots. I yank up my shirt in alarm, just enough to reveal a big bruise roughly shaped like his footprint, and where it's been bleeding. I can really start to feel a headache coming on from everything happening so quickly over such a long night.

Donnie stands and walks over to get a closer look. "I can treat that for you, easy."

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Hm?" My eyebrows scrunch when Leo's voice sounds so far away. But the tension only made me notice how lightheaded I was starting to feel again. Leo's hand is on my back the second I take an unsteady step back. Next thing I know he's holding onto me and leading me elsewhere, following behind Donnie.

The dizziness gets worse the faster I move, and the next thing I process is that I'm laying down on some cold table with everyone else standing around me, the rat watching from the door in my peripherals.

"Y/n, can you hear me?"

I groan as I feel even more disoriented, and it starts hurting my head.

"Yikes. One of 'em really got a good hit on her didn't he? Or– kick is what it looks like..."

"Yeah, but why is she dizzy again?"

"I don't know. Just give me a minute to do a check up."

I have to blink a few times to clear my brain, enough to register Leo looking down at me now. "Y/n? Can you hear me? What happened?"

"I'm okay..." I mumble impulsively.

Splinter's face appears behind Leo's, a hand resting on his shoulder to get his attention. "Let your brother help her, Leonardo. We need to talk."

After some while of Donnie painfully tending to me and Leo talking to his father elsewhere presumably, things settle down and I feel better after drinking some water and eating some of the gyoza– so. freaking. good– we brought back from the restaurant.

"I doubt we have any shirts laying around here for you to change into," Donnie says apologetically.

"It's okay, I've got some. But thanks for the medicine. And the patch job."

"Just don't try going a whole afternoon without eating or drinking anything again. The body doesn't respond well to stress on zero nourishment. And we literally always have food here so it shouldn't be an issue going forward."

The doctorly scolding makes me smile. "Will do."

That's when I notice Leo's returned to the lab with his father walking beside him, appearing much more approachable now. As bad and awkward as I felt after making such a scene, I get a rush of relief when he tells me Splinter is okay letting me stay.

"Excuse me for my behavior earlier, Miss Y/n. I am glad my son was able to find another trustworthy friend, and invite you to stay as long as you need. So long as you are willing to keep everything about our existence and location a secret."

My Fearless Leader | Leonardo x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin