What am I to do?

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They say I’m weak,

they say I’m a freak,

they say I’m someone who doesn’t fit it.

You say I’m a witch,

you say I’m a cow;

you say I should go and die and that no-one would care.

What makes you think you can treat me this way?

Who gave you permission to put me down?

I don’t care who you think you are.

Stop putting me down!

I am only a girl….. A broken girl……..

What am I to do?

They say I’m a nobody,

they say I’m invisible,

they say I’m a misfit and will always be.

You say I’m a loser,

you say I’m a loner,

you say I wouldn’t be missed if I cut my wrists too deep.

Why do people think they can say these things?

Do they know what it’s like to be rejected?

I am me and that’s all I can be!

Stop you stupid girl!

Before it’s too late……… Too late to be done…….

what am I to do?

They say I’m the girl with no soul,

they say I’m the girl with a cold heart,

They say I am better off dead, they wouldn’t care!

You say you can’t help me,

you say you are afraid,

you are the reason I am in this mess!

Why offer me help now?

Who do you think you are?

I will fight on my own!

I may be broken, but I can fight,

I am me and that is all…….  That is all I can be……….

what am I to do?

Don’t try and stop me at all,

you did say this is what you want.

Watch the blood fall down my arms!

You caused all this pain,

don’t try and come back now!

I am dying because of you and them!

Live, love, laugh and die. This is just life! (Songs and poems from the heart)Where stories live. Discover now