T H E L A S T C H A P T E R - PART: 2/3

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Jake gave Lee a look like, 'Are you kidding me?' And then one to me like, 'This is your friend?'. I returned with an apologetic look to Jake and a 'You're hopeless' one to Lee, who returned it with a 'Just making everyone laugh' stare. Anyways, this long exchange of looks went on, till Jo slammed a cliche vodka bottle on the table.

"Lee," Jake cleared his throat. "In answer to your question, I'd like to say 'NO'."

Jo nudged me, and whispered in my ear. "Why would a guy like that crush on Lee, right?"

I looked at her carefully. "Well, you tell me." At what point she turned her face from me and concentrated on her knees. She had been wearing a gorgeous knee-length red Boohoo, with deep red flowers, and a small cut at both sides. "I agree. That's a beautiful dress!"

"Fine!" Lee grumbled. "Your bad luck. I'm a great lover." At which Sean excused himself to gag, while Bennett squinted and chuckled.

"Okay, can we start the game now?" Jo re-announced. "Whoever the neck of the bottle points towards is to be given a dare by anyone around the table. Is everybody ready?"

"No." Sean stood up calmly.

Jo gave him a 'raised eyebrows' look. "What's the matter, Sean?"

"I wanted to point out something." He said, with a hint of a smile.

Jo looked at him, almost giving him a deluxe death stare. "What?"

I grabbed Sean's hand and pulled him down. "Let's start, Jo." I urged,and turned to Sean. "What, Sean?"

"I," his voice dropped down to a whisper. "I wanted to point out that beautiful has 'u' in it, fine has 'I' in it and quickie is 'u' and 'I' together." He burst out laughing, next to me, so it seemed like a lot louder. "Isn't that, a great pickup line?"

"Yeah." I smiled broadly. "It is priceless. And now I see why you wanted to point it out, because you wanted to see how Lee reacts to it, right?"

"You get me." We both turned back towards the table, and finally, finally, the bottle was spun. By Jo.

And it landed back on her.

All of us hooted together.

"Now let's think of some embarrassing dare for Jo." Lee rubbed his hands together, like an evil conspirer, while Jo stuck out her tongue at him.

"It'd be a shame," Sean spoke, only loud enough for me to hear. "If Jo would have to spend the rest of the game without that gorgeous dress, wouldn't it?"

"But we're not making her do it." I growled back at Sean.

"Just a suggestion!" Sean raised his hands in defense.

"How about we make her drink ten cans of beer?" Lee suggested. "We've never seen Jo drunk!"

"She could pass out though." Bennett said thoughtfully.

"Hey, she's got the holding capacity of a," I thought of what to say. "A tank."

"Thanks, for the beautiful comparison." Jo scowled at me.

Finally, I knew what we had to do. "Guys, guys," I made peace. "Let's start off the game with something simple. Let's make her do Seven Minutes in Heaven!"

Sean bit his lip. "Perfect." He stood up. "I'll get some cloth."

Jo looked at me like, 'I don't know what to say' and even I didn't know if she was relieved or angry. Sean came back in no time with a large checkered handkerchief. I hurriedly tied it around her eyes, and stood up with her.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu