"Good to know I look awesome, because I was not really supposed to!"

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"See, you should not look super-hot on your first date." Jo instructed me, for the fifty ninth time. "So no curling-hair-with-finger or making-pouty-adorable-faces."

"Noted." I gave her a cheeky look. "About fifty nine times, counting this one."

"And this jacket is to be kept on at all times." She added, gesturing to the Guess denim jacket I was wearing over my pale blue boat-neck top and skinny jeans.

"Why?" Lee asked, who was fiddling with a Rubix cube on my bed.

"Do you want Bennett and Ashley to hook up on their first date?" Jo asked him angrily. "And that's still okay, but since Ash has the principle of not keeping contacts with guys she slept with, it would mean the end of a beautiful meaningful relationship before it even started."

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. Are you already thinking of your Maid-of-Honour speech?" Lee straightened up, and asked with a scowl. "And anyways, what does the jacket have to do with them having sex?"

"Ashley's arms look sexy in this boat-neck off-shoulder top, Lee! And anyways, she has that weird 'Boy-Toy' tattoo visible when she takes off that jacket, which turns boys on, since they think they can change her, or whatever." Jo said, as if explaining something stupid and silly, like, why does Lee eat so much, or something.

"You seem to know a lot," I chuckled teasingly. "You sure you're not the official blogger of DateNight.com?"

"You sure you don't harbour a crush on Ashley yourself?" Lee winked at me, and teased Jo.

"You guys are 'ugh'!" Jo furrowed her brow. "No use giving advice to dumb people. You both talking sensible is like Joey Tribbiani living without food and sex."

"Oh, my elder brother, you mean?" Lee asked, raising an eyebrow cockily.

"He's 49. And you can't be over 20. How on Earth are you brothers?" Jo asked back, putting her hands on her hips.

"Joey Tribbiani is always gonna be 30 and date-able." I said, with a dreamy look, which was put on necessarily to tick off Jo.

"Hello?" Jo snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Bennett is the person you're going on a date with."

"I know." I straightened up, and stood in front of the mirror. "You've said it over a million times, and for Christ's sake, even I can't be all that forgetful."

Lee chuckled from the side. "And for Ashley's wellbeing, I marked it on the calendar too."

"You did!?" I exclaimed, and rushed to take a look, at the heart shaped marking around today's date, with 'DateNight' written on it in a handwriting which could easily be mistaken for a teenage girl's, with the hearts and whatnot.

"Are you a teenage girl hiding in a man's body?" I asked him angrily, while he just smiled aggravatingly. Jo nodded, supporting my point.

"That means, you girls think I've got a man's body?" He replied sarcastically, flexing playfully.

Jo turned slightly pink, and even I had difficulty in telling if it were because she was blushing or because she was angry. "But, seriously, who draws hearts!"

"I don't know, people who go on dates with people like Bennett?" Lee replied, a naughty smile playing on his lips. "You know, weird people who date the unsocial dorks. Desperate people."

I balled up a fist. "You're going down." I clutched a pillow in my hand and began chasing after him.

"Down? You mean downstairs?" He asked mischievously.

"Down to where you came from, you underworld-ly monster from hell!" I yelled even louder, and began aiming.

Jo suddenly quietened us. "I think I heard the door bell."

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