"Well, unfortunately I guess, but I am not a horse!"

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"That's just plain ridiculous!" Bennett yelled, the second Sean finished saying what he was saying.

"Who asked you, Tucker?" Sean gave him an unaffected look.

I balled up a fist. "Sean. Have you gone completely insane?"

"Last time I checked, no." He replied, narrowing his eyes.

"I have been ignoring you." I said, my eyes widening to emphasize the situation. "Because you broke Bennett's arm. I have not been talking to you. I have not been letting you finish anything you begin saying. Why do you even think I'm gonna give in to this?"

"Because I'm irresistible?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Sean." I gave him a deadpanned look.

"Because I have your sign on a written contract, and it would be illegal to not do so?" He added, raising the other eyebrow too.

"I don't mind doing illegal stuff." I fluffed my hair, with the most unaffected look possible. "In fact, I'm rather fond of it."

Sean shrugged. "Ashley." He said, in a sarcastic and sweet voice. "On one side, you have, doing illegal works, shooing off a friend and good-guy who is doing something partially for you, and being slightly and silently scared of consequences. And on the other side, you get to kiss me, no, better, give me a hickey, and do something law-abiding like a responsible American citizen. What do you choose?"

I preferred not answering to this. Silence was a good way to show anger, dissatisfaction and forced-ness.

Bennett opened his mouth to speak on my behalf, but he was cut off again.

"Don't speak." Sean said, giving him the finger. "I'm talking to Ashley, and only Ashley. So please, don't bother."

I had had enough now. I was the Playgirl Parker. If the Playboy wanted a hickey from me, I wasn't the one who was gonna whimper away. I could do anything. I may not be spirited for it, or super-excited, but turning him down would be cowardly, girly, and un-playgirly.

"Fine." I said, cutting him off too. "I agree."

Sean smiled. "I knew your pride would not allow you to disagree." Then he tilted his head. "Or if somehow it did, my charm wouldn't allow you to disagree."

I swallowed the bubbling fury, mixed with exasperation. "Just shut up."

"Someone's in a hurry. Someone's getting excited." Sean whistled.

"If you wanna get a freaking hickey from me, knock off the crap, and beat it." I said, feeling the adrenaline race. "Where do you fucking want it?"

"I was thinking, some place where it's visible yet not too obvious." He pulled down his collar, using his left hand, and circled a spot with his right. "Neck, I mean."

I gave him a look. "I meant, where will we do this?"

"As in...your place or mine?" Sean smirked.

"You know, if I cut off your head and bury it right here, it would save me a whole lot of trouble?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

"But well," he replied smoothly. "The admirers of my headless body would not get to kiss me on the lips then, would they?"

I bit my lip softly, silently admiring his comeback to my 'burn'-worthy one-liner. "But seriously...?"

"I think I saw a cabin sort of place on that shore, and it looked warm and comfortable. I'm sure we can rent it for... Some time." He replied, pointing.

"It's the cabin of my friend's dad." Bennett cut in.

"It's the time for you to fuck off." Sean told him, easily. "You know, I'm sure, we are not gonna need a spectator, although I can bet you definitely need examples of that kind."

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt