"What do you think I go to church for?"

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"I really wanted you to see me when I left him on the stage!" I laughed, taking a bite of the chocolate cookie in my hand.

"I'm sure I missed a pretty good one. But believe me, I never had any doubt that you'd fail." Josephine laughed along with me.

"Jo," I smiled at her seriously. "Let's raise a toast."

She hesitated. "You know how I am when I get drunk."

"I didn't mean it that way." I smirked. "Hot chocolate's good enough for my toast."

"Fine, I'll get us a mug each." She walked down to the kitchen.

I clutched a pillow to my chest and buried my head into it. It was good, this way, spending a few nights with my best friend, without any guys in it.

It got tiring once in a while, you know.

Jo came up soon, handing me a mug.

"To being us!" Both of us said together.

We laughed, and drank off our hot chocolate happily. I loved chocolate, and come on, once in a while, even girls like me could make an allowance and enjoy chocolate.

"How's your modelling assignment going?" She asked me.

I flicked my hair. "Cool." I thought for a while. "Just a second, which one?"

"I don't know how you pass your exams." She sighed.

"Maybe I seduce the exam-checkers?"


"Gross is the new cool."

"The way people say pink is the new black?" She reasoned.

"Black is irreplaceable." I told her solemnly.

"I agree."

"Supporting that, wanna wear black tomorrow?"

"Sure thing." She grinned. "I have a dress for you too."

"I was hoping you'd say that, my fashionista friend!" I engulfed her into a hug.

Yes, it was true. I wanted to become a model, and she, a fashionista, or as people say, a fashion designer.

"Let's play our game."

"I'll try not to take it as a pun." I winked.

She made a face as it struck her. "If there's one thing I'm not, its lesbian."

"I'd say, if there's one thing you're not, its fat." I looked at her skinny figure.

"You sound as if you're fat, Andy! You're the beautifullest lady I have ever seen!" She laughed. "And I'm just bones and skin, you've got perfect fat too."

I laughed too. Then got serious. "Did you mean the game in which we spin the wheel and two guys' names come up, and then we see which of us gets to kiss their guy first?"

"I'm not playing that game with you." She declared. "Last time, you not only kissed, but slept with Joe, in less than one day, and defeated me by what? Seven days?"

"Then which game?"

"The usual. Let's prank call."

"I like that." I grinned evilly. "Random numbers, right?"

She nodded. "And I've even got an untraceable number!" She took out a sleek phone.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "We're criminals. Prank calling is a crime." Then I noticed the look on her face and added, "But you know what? Criminals are the new supermodels!"

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now