"Am I extraordinarily perfect or am I perfectly extraordinary?"

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"Come on. Get in." Bennett patted the seat beside him in his car.

I knew practically nothing about cars. So the only thing I could tell seeing his car was that it was jeep and that's because that was written in large block letters all over one side. And yeah, I could also say it was filthy and old, but that's because I have good senses.

I narrowed my eyes a bit. "No offense, but isn't his sort of old? I mean, are these type of cars even manufactured nowadays?" I chuckled, attempting to make a joke.

The look on his face was a mixture of apology and embarrassment. I myself felt bad I made him feel that way.

"Well, it ran steady, gained good mileage, and that's all I needed. Never really worked on the parts, oiling or polishing." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I smiled brightly. "How about we do this, we both go in my car right now, because it's waiting in the driveway for us to sit in it and drive away and definitely not because this car looks like a dump and I don't wanna spoil my clothes." I added the last part as a joke, but just in case, I just muttered it to myself.

He got out of his car. "Well, cool. I hope you'll trust me with your car?"

I laughed. "What do you think I am, one of those guys whose cars literally mean everything to them and they're super-secure about it and even give nicknames? Of course, you can drive it, and anyways, this car may be old but its not smashed."

He opened his mouth to correct me I guess but I cut him off. "At least not as long as I can see."

He chuckled. "You're really funny."

I gave him my keys and slipped in beside him. "So where are we going?"

"Do you mean it as in 'Your place or mine?'?" He laughed playfully, as he turned the key in the lock, the engine roared, and we sped out of the campus.

I made a face. "Hey, are you making fun of my ways? Of my playgirl ways?"

"Whoa, I was just kidding!" He raised his hands in defeat. "Please don't kill me now!"

"I'll see if you deserve to live or not." I said, pulling off a straight face. "And once again, where are we going?"

"I haven't really given it much thought." He shrugged. "Let's catch a coffee?"

I looked at my watch. "Too much decaf is bad for my hair. I only like cold coffee anyways."

He sighed. "Then what? Snacks?"

"Could you be more specific?"

"You know, the usual unhealthy junk." He looked at me mischievously. "Burgers, pizzas, sandwiches, tortilla wraps, stuff like that."

"Glad you ended right there, mister." I frowned down at him. "Otherwise I would've pushed you out of the car right away."

"Let's just go to some Starbucks." He suggested.

"Okay, but go to the Fourth street one. The waiter there is like, hot with all the letters in capitals." I said, fanning myself.

He gagged. "Got it. Any Starbucks except the fourth street one." He said in a very chauffeur like voice as he took a turn.

We soon reached one. We both got down and entered the cafe. We then took a table for two and sat down. Soon a waiter came by.

"What will you take today, ma'am?" He said boyishly. He looked pretty much my age, worked out body, hair I'd like to play with, and a stubble hot enough to make me look at him twice.

"Anything you'd like to give me?" I curled my hair with my fingers as I flirted abashedly.

He smiled, blushing. "I'm sorry, but its my shift right now. The most I can give, is my name, I guess. I'm Leon."

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now