"Please tell me your sister's not puking in my Louis Vuitton, Bennett."

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"This is it. I'll go get Rachel, and you try to calm down a bit, okay Ashley?" Bennett smiled coolly at me.

Too bad I was the only hyper one here.

"I'll be fine." Did I just stutter a bit? "You go, get your sister."

"Thanks for coming. Be back in a minute." He went off into the house.

I took a deep breath. This was gonna be fine. It was just a baby.

Ha ha.

Who am I kidding? Just a baby? A baby was like an atom bomb.

A bomb packed in a really sweet exterior. And such a terrible noise they keep creating. Bennett's sister Rachel better be adorable or I'm forgetting her in the park for sure. Wink.

Suddenly Bennett came out, striding towards the car. Surprise, surprise, surprise, he wasn't carrying a baby or anything.

"Babysitting plans cancelled? We're free to go watch a R-rated film, drink cartons of hard alcohol and curse as much as we wish?" I asked hopefully.

He chuckled. "That's what you wanted to do?"

"Not really." I said dismissively. "But answer my question first."

"No, we are babysitting." He said, and my face fell.

"Way to get all hopeful, Parker." I muttered dolefully, pouting.

"And I've got some news." He said excitedly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Good news or bad news?"

"Both." He thrust his hands into his pockets.

I sighed. "Good news first."

"We won't have to keep babysitting all day long. Mom told me she'll be back at four, so we only got three hours to go. And plus, we can go for lunch at three, leaving the baby at a neighbor's place. So, only two hours." He said, grinning.

I smiled wide. "Sounds great. It'll definitely be great to have lunch without the baby. Okay, so you had some bad news too?"

"Uh, yep." He looked away, turning slightly red. "We have not one, but two kids to watch."

My eyes widened in horror. "You have gotta be kidding me!"

"I wish." He said solemnly. "We have one more kid at our hands."

"God! Kill me now!" I raised my hands towards the sky and said out loud.

"Not yet. You still have to have children, they have to have children, and your grandchildren have to get graduated and then feed you their favorite flavor of cake while you shake your head and say you have forgotten your false teeth at home again." He said.

I giggled. "Like seriously? Is that your dream?"

"Well, doesn't everyone have such a dream?" He looked adorable when he shrugged.

"Well, sane people don't." I said kindly.

As if on cue, the gates of his house opened, and out came a blonde lady, in her forties or something, wearing a pencil skirt and cardigan. She walked right up to us, pushing a stroller by one hand and holding hands of a young five or six year old boy.

"There you go, Bennett." She handed him the stroller, and the kid found his way into the backseat before I could say something. "I'm really so grateful to you."

"Its fine, ma." Bennett smiled.

I held out my hand. "Hello, Mrs. Tucker, I'm Ashley."

"So you're Bennett's all new friend, and fantasy." She added with a wink. "Thank you for helping my son babysit, Ashley. See you over dinner sometime?"

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