"Your Dolce is the only thing which makes me not puke on you."

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"Sean! Wrap that jacket around yourself. Its supposed to be winter in this photo!" Jo ordered. "And Ash, stop trying to clean your snow coat. Its supposed to be that way!"

"It won't even take you one full day to spoil the reputation which has taken years to build." I complained, as I returned to my position on the snow.

If you've not got it yet, this is the assignment we're working on.

Cameron is taking pics with his three-legged black camera, I wonder how he caries that thing on his back, and Bennett is moving about, adjusting the settings bit by bit, as Jo gives orders like the director type of person she is. I and Sean are just doing whatever looks good and we're told to do.

The nerd pic was done first. In that, we were reading a book in the library, Sean had one in his hands, and I was hugging his right arm, as I peered in over his shoulder. I know, typical pose, but still effective.

This was the prep one we were doing.

We decided to keep it in the ice skating rink of our school, where we'd pretend its winter and show how to have fun. And yeah, we had real snow I guess, although I have no idea how that came. Perhaps Jo's magical powers. Could she be like Elsa?

Sean was supposed to be shovelling some snow, at me for fun, and I was supposed to be making snow angels on the snow. We were supposed to wear his and hers tops, and mine was supposed to be dirty.

"Ash! Take this!" I turned towards Bennett and a snowball crashed into my snowboarding jacket, making it wet.

I fumed. "You just made a Delacroix's jacket wet because of snow! You're gonna have to pay for it the hard way!" I picked chunks of snow in both hands and ran towards him, volleying them at him.

"I accept defeat! I accept defeat!" He began saying, as I grew snowballs at him.

I took an imaginary trophy from the air and bowed. "Thank you, thank you. I dedicate this award to all my fans, and friends and family. This really means a lot to me."

"You've got seriously good aim." He rubbed his shoulder. "And fighting instincts."

"I have practise when I dive on the last best shoe on the shelf, or fight for it with other losers." I said smartly.

"That happens lot, I imagine?"

"More times than you could suspect." I ran a hand over my hair. And was about to add something snarky when a whole lot of snow fell on me.

I was trampled against the ground with all that snow, as I struggled to come up. I looked at who did it. "Why, you filthy little-" I pulled myself out of the snow pile and growled at Sean.

"Cool it, Ash, I was just practising for my role," he raised his hands in defeat.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood. And," I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "You can only call me Ashley, Sean."

"That's not fair!" He looked adorably cute when he pouted. "Bennett or whatever his name is calls you Ash, and that's okay with you, but I call you Ash, and its not!"

I put my hands on my hips. "What's the deal, huh? You've never even wanted to call me Ashley properly."

"Well, I think," he paused. "Using your last name is disrespectful to the relation we have." He winked mischievously.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah. Definitely." I snapped sarcastically.

"Guys, stop the drama, and let's move on to the football field for our last photo." Jo came in and interrupted the mess.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя