"Calm? Oh yeah, I'm calm. Calm is my second name. Calmest person ever."

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"All that happened under my nose and I come to know about it now!" Jo yelled, making me shake my head...

"Volume down, Josh!" I instructed her, using that rare nickname from when she had a pixie cut. "Or Evelyn, who's watching tele outside, is gonna come back here, and start her questions."

Jo gave me a look, "I freaking don't care! She's the daughter of your fucking dad with another woman! And that too, Felicia Blake! Sick Jessica's mother! I don't give a shit as to her, and so shouldn't you!"

I looked away, "I was pretty mad too, at the start. But you see, later, I understood it isn't exactly her fault she was the gamete which my dad's sperm and her goddamn *** mother's ovum fused to make!"

"You thought that up yourself?" She asked in disbelief.

I sighed, "It is who you think."

"Bennett is a bad influence on you!" She yelled, standing up,and beginning to prance about.

I put on the last earring, and smiled at myself in the mirror. "Jo. He's the best influence I can be influenced by."

"I mean, Bennett is gold, but you're not gonna want to be platinum, or even silver! Like come on! You're my bad girl!" She complained.

"Playgirl." I corrected, interrupting her. "But please continue."

"If you become so good, you lose your bad-girl essence! That intimidating aura! That dark mysterious charm!" She complained.

I sighed. "Geez, Jessica, I'm not turning into a good girl anytime soon. I am gonna remain a playgirl, for ages to come, okay?" I engulfed her into a hug, and after pulling off, looked at her seriously. "And there is so much I told you! How is it that the only part you got hung up on...was this!"

Jo sighed, "You're right, I'm being crazy. It's not like you like him. Right?"

I shrugged, showing a definitely 'Yes, I don't like him'.

"Oh my gosh! You shrugged! That's like, the most, 'I'm hiding that I like him' thing you can do!" She exclaimed.

I gave her a tired glance. "Jo, there are so many problems to put your finger on. Why don't you give me your views on my three new friends? Or Dan's new crush, and probably girlfriend? Or just simply Jeremy?"

She sighed again. "I'm making an issue out of this." She stood up. "Now, your hair and makeup is done. I'm going out of the room you g anger into your dress, and then, we have some fun."

"What type of fun?" I asked, as she went out.

"Oh, the usual. Fun, with our innocent victims." She laughed, and I chuckled too, as we walked out.

I sighed, looking at the dress which lay on the bed of the small room. It was beautiful. And then, I took in a breath. Maybe my cheat day wasn't appropriately placed, what if I don't fit?

Having such weird thoughts swarming in my head, I began putting on the dress.

Once ready, I looked into the mirror and gaped.

I looked breathtakingly beautiful!

The dress was a limited edition Faviana long V-neck backless floor length gown, of a royal deep violet color. It was backless, and had a thin belt of white stones around the waist, as a belt.

And why did I even bother to bother! It fit me like heaven! Not even a least bit fitting! It came down gracefully, hugging my curves, and the neckline was deep enough to make it sensual, but not enough to make it bimbo-style or desperate.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now