"Did you wear your underwear over your pants on purpose, Superman?"

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"How do I look?" I blew a kiss at the vast placed in front of me, as I posed for Daniel.

"In a jeans and top?" He didn't even bother to look up from his PlayStation. "Human."

"Look up, you lazy-ass and criticise properly." I instructed.

Daniel finally looked up and covered his eyes as soon as he did. "Cover yourself right away, Ashley!" He yelled.

I pouted. "Dude, don't act crazy. I know I have an awesome body."

He removed his hand from his eyes, sizing me up. "You look like a life-size Ariel. Straight out of the films."

I giggled, "Yeah, I thought so too." I looked at myself in the mirror too.

I'd chosen to be Ariel for the party.

So I was wearing a turquoise green skirt, down to my ankles, clinging to my legs like a fish-tail, with a fitting bright red bikini-like top. It was obviously a crop top, I mean why wouldn't I flaunt my abs if I could, and sleeveless and strapless except for the thick straps with wound up around the neck from back. My hair came down in luscious waves, falling gently on my shoulders and below, and jewellery was majorly blue in color, with white touch-ups. My lipstick the same color as the top, and eye-shadow the same shade as my skirt, I looked awesome.

"Do I look hot or what?" I chuckled to myself.

"You're killing the princess look, sis," Dan went back to his game. "With your own sexy Playgirl touch. I can guarantee, every guy who lays his eyes on you is gonna lust for you."

I smiled graciously at the compliment, "I'm going to pack my bag for tomorrow now, but seriously Dan, I don't know what I would've done if I'd got a usual overprotective brother who'd punch away his sister's dates."

"I don't know what I would've done either." He looked up for a second to glance at me. "I'd have my hands swollen like beehives by the end of the month, because at the least two punches day."

"You're getting good at comebacks." I nodded proudly.

"Learning from the best, ain't I?" He winked.

"Well, that's something we have to agree upon," I laughed and walked off to my room, to pack my bag for the next day. I looked out of my window, and spared a minute of my busy as a bee schedule to admire the now-set Sun's last rays disappear off the face of Earth. Beautiful. Just like me. Wink.

I was in amidst of redoing my makeup, when the bell rang. Well well well, its party time!

I walked over to the door and opened it gently to see not Sean, but his best friend, and wingman, Lee.

"Lee Fletcher." I scrunched my nose. "I'd rather shut my eyes than look at you right now."

Now, just so you know, Lee was a pretty dashing guy. Sine he always hung out with Sean, he always seemed a little less, but the cute dimples and raven-black hair did really suit his height. And I've heard he's good in bed, although he's one of those I haven't tried yet.

But, today in his awful costume, he looked worse than what Drew Parselton in the film Cosmopolitics with Cosmos. And nope, don't ask me why I watched that film.

In return, Lee just whistled softly. "Forget about me, you look like the hottest girl I've ever seen."

I blew on my nails lazily. "Well stated."

"And anyways, this is my costume." He looked down at himself. "I'm Superman."

I made a face the read ugh! "Did you wear your underwear over your pants on purpose, Superman?"

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