"So what? Should I get the garlands?"

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"Can you, uh, adjust this for me please?" I hesitated, as I approached mom.

She smiled, and looked younger than she was. She immediately got to adjusting my dress strap. "I'd have thought you would've learnt to do this by now, Ashley."

I smiled, embarrassed. "It's been a while since I wore something like this."

"You should." She declared. "You may just ditch those Gothic and punky clothes for something more sober, sensible, and light."

"Those are unnoticeable colors." I said, as I smirked to myself. "I like to get noticed."

"You needn't dress good for that, Ash." I heard a gruff voice, and in came Jeremy.

I shied away, as I pulled my red fur bathrobe all over myself. "Intruder." I muttered.

In case you didn't get the cue yet, I was getting ready for the major dinner tonight. I call it 'major' because it was huge.

As huge as a sumo-wrestler's ass.

Because the participants of this dinner were:

-Ashley (Well, obviously)
-Mom (We couldn't possibly kick her out after all the food she made)
-Jeremy (Yeah, I know, why is he here?)
-Daniel (Well, he wouldn't miss it now, would he?)
-Nora (Because that's who it all started to be about)
-Nora's cousin (Apparently, some guy as old as me, is her first cousin, and since they both room together, he is tagging along)
-Jo (I couldn't possibly manage the night without my messiah, and plus, I could hook her up with Nora's bro if he turns out cute)
-Evelyn (She was supposed to come farther up in this list, but I forgot her. New addition, you see)
-Sean (My mother brought out her ten-people dinner set, and so I was forced to call in two extra guests, so who else but him-)
-Bennett (And Bennett. I couldn't skip him, or god knows, what a scene he'd create the next time we met)

So this was the whole big crowd our dining hall was gonna host tonight. Suddenly, I got shaken out of my reverie.

"That dress looks beautiful, Ashley." My dad said politely.

I frowned. "Yeah, whatever."

He sighed. "If you will, can you give me a moment with your mom?"

I looked at him defiantly. "How about not?"

My mom shushed me. "Ashley! Go to your room, and complete getting dressed up immediately!"

I gave her a look too. "Don't you dare hook up after I go out." I hissed at Jeremy, who chuckled tiredly, as I made my way to my room.

I now got to do my hair. I fixed on an all-up style. After all, I'd put curlers in my hair since the moment I got home. I deserved to have a sophisticated hairstyle, right?

I didn't hear you. Right?


Finally, I beamed at myself in the mirror, as I practised looking formal as host at the same time annoyed at having to share a meal with Jeremy. You know, I spent more time looking into a mirror than most people did looking at their books.

But what do I care? Why would I need to look into books as long as I have nerds who do my homework for me? Wink.

Anyways, I had put on a light pink colored dress. It was plain, hugging my body at just the right places. It was sleeveless, and ended at my knees, giving me the perfect 'Normal' look, if you could skip my face. Wink.

Anyways, I didn't want to get attention either today, the star of the show was supposed to be Nora, and for once, I didn't even wanna share the spotlight, but let her have it.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now