"Since food is over, would you prefer cold noodles or icy meat balls?"

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We all sat down on the couches, without a word, if you don't count Lee's unusually loud humming to Addicted, right in my ear.

Lee took the beanbag, and settled himself down, with the last plate of potato chips.

Bennett took the armchair, and sat down, not uttering a word, as he streamed through the channels, with a glance at all of us now and then.

Sean took the sofa, which was for two people, but occupied all the space, as he sat, staring into space, and sometimes, at me. However, when I was looking for a place to sit, Sean straightened up and patted the seat beside him, although I smiled 'sweetly' and settled down on the other sofa, folding my legs under me Indian-style.

The only noise was Lee's chips, as he bit on them.

Sean noticed the scramble board, and leaned forward to take a look at it. He returned to his position, with an amused grin,, "Fun game, I must say."

"I'll challenge you something, Sean." Said Lee, pouncing forward from his beanbag and offering his hand at Sean.

"I accept it." Sean said, shaking it formally.

"Okay, your challenge is, to tell the meanings of each of the words Bennett made." Lee finished proudly, as he retired in his seat.

I stifled a chuckle. "No chance, Lee. I bet you against it."

Lee offered me his hand too. "I bet you, my buddy Sean will succeed."

"Ten bucks?" I suggested, and he nodded. We both turned to Sean hopefully, who sat scratching his head.

"I wouldn't bet even one cent on myself." Sean sighed. "The only meaning I actually know out of the larger green coloured words, (green was Bennett's colour), is turquoise, which is a colour, right?"

Lee dropped back instantly, and silently handed me my money. I smirked at him, as he sulked in a corner.

This time, Bennett joined into the convo, "Well, I'm glad you didn't think turquoise was another name for tortoise."

I laughed at this, then turned to Lee. "Well, that type of mistakes are reserved for Lee."

"I'm here, okay?" Lee frowned, before beginning to sulk again.

"What else did you people do?" Sean asked, trying to bring himself into our talk.

"A lotta stuff." Lee muttered.

"We watched Conjuring Two," Bennett began.

"And Ashley cuddled with me in the scary scenes." Lee added.

I gave him a look. "I'd say vice versa. Lee even covered his eyes most of the time when the ghost was seen, which was practically always, so Lee just watched the WB scene, and the part after the exorcism." I smirked again.

Bennet continued, ignoring the squabble. "Then, we played Charades,"

"I became the ultimate Charades champion!" Lee interjected again.

"Only because none of us volunteered to play anymore after you guessed Finding Memo before I even finished the acting." I finished for him.

Bennett went on still. "We tried to play poker then."

"But Ashley lost all the cards before she even got them, and just imagine, they didn't let me use my magical sniffing skills to sniff it out." Lee pouted.

"Also, we couldn't play online multiplayer poke because we were far too busy putting moustaches on our faces, to remember none of us actually knew how to play it." I finished.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now