"I'll contribute in such a great charitable social service."

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I lay in my bed, and I knew it was way past my waking hour, but I'd already missed highschool, so no use getting up. And Daniel had an inside-picnic-sort-of thing in the Silver Arcade, so he wasn't home to disturb me either. Nor was mom, since she was out shopping for her and Evelyn. So, I was alone, if you didn't count Evelyn who was watching Barbie.

I squatted away a fly from near my pillow, and took my phone in hand. I opened my contact list, and dialed up the person who could solve all my problems in a jiffy.

"Hi, girlfriend!" Came back her voice.

I cleared my throat. "Hey, Jo. I was wondering, if you could come over-"

"Wait. Are you in trouble?" She asked, sounding worried already.

I didn't know what to say but wanted her to come urgently. "I don't even know."

"Wait, are you in jail?" She asked suddenly.

"No, freak!" I recoiled.

"No, I thought that voice was very 'come-over-and-bail-me' sort of." She laughed. "So, wait. Have you been kidnapped?"

"Yes, come over with ten million dollars as ransom if you want to see me alive." I replied sarcastically.

"Where and when?" She asked back, and I let out a groan. "Don't hurt her till I come. Then we can hurt her together." She laughed some more.

"Jo. I'm at home. On my bed. In the middle of a dilemma." I stated seriously.

"Just a second, are you drunk?"

I sighed. "Dude, no!"

"Are you high then?"

I growled back. "Like, seriously!?"

"Smoking? Oh, wait! Have you been taking drugs?" She asked, her voice tinged with mischief.

"It's boy trouble." I finally admitted.

"You would've skipped all this nonsense if you would've mentioned that before!" She rushed. "Boy trouble means double trouble. And boy trouble for Playgirl Parker means infinite times trouble. Don't move from your place. I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm already heading for my car."

I smiled a bit. "Drive safe. Your Audi is very precious."

"Aw, you worry about me." She almost snapped, sarcastically.

"I think I made it clear, I care for what." I teased, and hung up.

I clutched my pillow, and hurried my face into it. One side, Bennett had officially asked me on a DATE and I had agreed. On the other side, I couldn't help but think what Sean would feel about it. And on another side yet, Sean fake-dating Jessica, and seeing him kiss her, affected me more than I let off. But on the very first hand again, I cared for Bennett. I mean, guys did trip over their tongues for me, but what he did was a really romantic and cute gesture. I always find him attractive anyways. But what about Sean? Ugh, I hate this!

Pretty soon, as if she was driving a plane or something, I heard the doorbell go.

I sat up, and smiled at myself in the mirror, involuntarily, before walking down to open the door.

"Aloha!" I grinned broadly, as my eyes fell on Jo.

"Aloha to you too-" she began, but was cut off.

"Namaste." Lee folded his arms in a respectful position.

I sighed. "Why are you here?" I slightly groaned, although I was a bit cheered at the sight of my amicable and always-joking friend.

"A pleasure to meet you too." He shrugged, and entered anyways.

The Playgirl Parker #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now