Unfortunately for Jhin, he was just on his way to retrieve Jinx when he was dragged into their duel. The two marksmen battled each other, and Jinx cheered in the distance, her support going out to Caitlyn, who had yet to land a hit. "Whose side are you on exactly?" Jhin drawled.

"It's boring always being on your side, you never lose!"

"Ah," Jhin hummed. "That is true, indeed. The sheriff doesn't stand a chance. Her skills are only sub-par to mine." His words were enough to annoy the sniper as she crushed the snowball in her hands.

"Sub-par, you say—"

"Shut up!" Vi hollered, not taking kindly to the jab and hauled a snowball the size of her gauntlet at the unorthodox pair. Jhin, as always, was quick to dodge, but his partner was a little slower to respond.

"Oof!" Jinx took the snowball head-on and stood no chance as she was pinned to the ground by the giant snowball. "Avenge me," she cried out dramatically, faking her own death as she fainted. Jhin was quick to retaliate, nailing Cait right in the face, and then...she laughed. Everyone fell silent as they watched the sheriff burst out in a fit of giggles.

Even Vi had never seen her laugh so hard; she was prone to an amused scoff or a soft chuckle, but never such a hearty laugh. Jhin dropped his next snowball and chuckled silently beneath his mask.

"What?" Caitlyn asked between short puffs of breath, and then everyone joined in, unable to help themselves.

"We've never heard you laugh like that," Vi smiled, resting a gauntlet on Caitlyn's back.

"See, wasn't this fun?" Ezreal chipped in, beaming with excitement.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad." Jhin finally managed to dig Jinx out of the snow, and then they were on their way. The party seemed to be over as one by one, the gang began to depart, leaving the two officers by themselves. With a grin, Vi toppled onto her back, her arms and legs spread as she marked her spot with a snow angel.

"Come try it out; it's pretty fun." Caitlyn raised a brow, but looking around, it was just them, so she lay back in the snow and made a snow angel of her own.

"It's cold..."

"But doesn't it feel good?"

"Yeah, I guess it does," Caitlyn smiled, and once they were finished, the two held hands staring at the white sky. The sheriff closed her eyes, letting fresh air cycle through her lungs. It felt good to be at peace and to feel like nothing else mattered at the moment.

"Sometimes, it feels like you forget that there's more to the world than catching criminals and loving me."

"Pft, I don't love you...that much."

"Yes, you do. Well anyway, let's not catch a cold, come on." Vi was the first to get up while Caitlyn spent a while longer gazing at the sky. This feeling, it felt new, like she could walk on air, even stand on a flower if she wished. Vi loomed over her, extending her gauntlet to her partner. "Time to go."

"Ugh, fine." The two made their way back inside, and Caitlyn tapped her feet against the doorframe, discarding the snow before she stepped in. Vi didn't care as much as she stomped into the kitchen, dragging a trail of snow behind her, which was sure to melt within the next few seconds.

"You want some hot choco?"

"Sounds good." Caitlyn settled on the sofa, the cold finally seeping in, and as usual, Vi had perfect timing. She rounded the sofa, setting the mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table, a generous amount of whipped cream floating on top. She was quick to fetch a blanket and throw herself on the sofa beside Cait, the blanket draping over them.

Caitlyn picked up the mug of hot chocolate and took a small sip, savoring the sweetness. Vi stared at her with a wide grin and leaned in, licking the whipped cream off her nose. The sheriff cleared her throat, failing to keep the blush at bay as she wiped her nose with her sleeve. "You're ridiculous," Cait huffed.

"And you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not around me."

"I don't pretend. I am just...a very driven person-"

"That's a weird way to say workaholic."

"Oh, hush up, miss punch first, ask questions later."

"You've never complained before." Vi snorted. "It's not like they didn't need a good punch to knock some sense into 'em." Caitlyn smiled and leaned into Vi, who rested her chin on her head. "How are you always so calm?"

"Because you're always by my side," Caitlyn hummed.

"Such a cute thing to say," Vi teased. "You really are unfair sometimes, as expected of Piltover's finest." Caitlyn smirked and leaned up to press a kiss to Vi's cheek. The two remained on the sofa, holding hands for a while longer, sharing body warmth while finishing off their drinks.

"Damn it. I forgot to write up the report from yesterday."

"Leaving so soon?" Vi pouted.

"It won't be too long." Caitlyn was already slipping on her boots when Vi abruptly stood up and hugged her from behind.

"I'll always be with you," Vi said softly. "So always remain by my side, too, yeah?"

"Naturally, we have the whole good cop bad cop routine going."

"More like bad cop, bad cop," Vi corrected.

"Quite true." Caitlyn turned on her heels and pressed a quick kiss onto Vi's lips. "Love you. I'll be back before you know it." 

Ahem. I have a good joke for y'all :3 
What do you call a drink during a quarantine? A quarantini!

Also, this week was the first time I cried taking an exam...broke down in tears, but the exam got curved and I got a 91% and now I just feel silly for crying.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and catch you next time. 

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