Chapter 29- A New Life (Ending)

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Chapter 29- A New Life (Ending)

I scream, sobbing overtop of Leon's body, my tears soaking into his shoulder as it always used to...

I grab the rose beside his body and opened his hand to make him grasp onto it before I kissed his forehead.

"I love you," I whisper.

Rangel grabs me forcefully and looks me in the eye.

"Come here," he orders me.

I stand wobbly and he catches me, thumbing my tears away.

"My strong girl you are," he murmurs, holding me close to his chest.

I ball his shirt up into my hands, my cries coming to a cease slowly.

"I had to move on," I choke out,"I needed him out of my life to be able-"

"Shh, you don't have to explain," Rang coaxes,"I know exactly why you did it and I love you so damn much for taking control of your life."

I smile up at him and reach into his pocket to pull out his lighter since he loved fire almost as much as he loved me.

"We should cremate him," I decide.

Rangel grabs Leon and flops him onto his shoulder, walking out of the shack to lay him in the grass.

When I notice he didn't have his rose, I rush back to receive it and place it onto his chest.

"You sure about this, Es?" Rangel asks me.

I had the lighter in my hand, ready to ignite my true love's body into flames.

I've never been so unready in my life...

"Yes," I tell Rang,"I'm ready."

Closing my eyes, I crouch down to Leon and kiss his cold lips as I pressed the flame to his dead body. Feeling the heat of the flames ignite, I back up and watch as he burned away...

I've made my choice. It was Rangel that would be my soulmate for the rest of my life. Just as the way it was supposed to be and there was no going back now.

Rangel wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to his side, my head placing just under his armpit.

"I know I told you this already, but I love you beyond words, my little Estelle," he smiles, leaning down to peck a kiss to my forehead.

I don't say anything, I just turn towards him and hug onto his stomach, my tears rolling into his shirt.

Part of me would always still love Leon and that part of me was unhealthy... My love for him would still continue even if his heart's not beating, I've never felt so much love for one person.

But Rangel would support my life much better then Leon ever would. Rang would provide protection for both me and Tate.

Rangel was like an anchor at the bottom of a familiar lake... Something that sank down with security and held me down and left me clueless why I was as attracted and attached as I was.

My love wasn't the same as it was for Leon, it was more like and never ending bond that held me under dazed. I'd look him in the eyes and my heart would immediately race and I'd crave for so much more of him than just his soft lips. His mysterious personality lead me to be pulled in, mesmerized to know more. Just the feeling of being able to see each other together was accelerating and an adrenaline rush every time we were together. His beauty was sculpted by the heavens themselves, the velvety of his hands and his low soothing voice that spoke to me sweetly.... I'll never forget my Leon and the love that still courses within me.

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