Chapter 17- Escape Attempt || Part One

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Chapter 17- Escape Attempt || Part One

That's how my thinking and surroundings became as the farther Leon ran away from his camp.

My body became dizzy and exhausted, nothing feeling as it should at the moment...
I felt empty and extremely lost with anxiousness.

Leon gripped me tight as he ran, his footsteps each a crash to my sensitive hearing.

"That's Leon!" I hear some people scream, a group of people chasing after us shortly.
All of them were catching up quick...

I guess just because Jared says it's okay to leave, that didn't mean the full camp agreed.

"Get back here, traitor!" They all called.

Deciding to jump from Leon's arms so we both could get away faster, I make a move to only have him squeeze me so tight it felt as if my ribs were going to crush.

"Leon, they're gaining on us!" I holler, just as a tall guy grabs at us both.

He pulls on Leon's shirt which distracts him enough for me to pounce to the ground.

Continuing to sprint away, I glance back to see Leon catching up, his strides longer and faster than they were before with me in his arms.
After all, he wasn't no Rangel who would think of me as a feather in his arms.

Huffing due to my condition from Jared, I find it hard to follow Leon as he passes me, my legs exhausted with a massive headache...

Great, my wound was starting to bleed and sting again.

"Estelle!" Leon bellows, just as arms wrap around me, completely trapping me from any chance of escape.

"Release me!" I scream to only have more guys surround me protectively.

"Your choice Leon!" One called. "Either you let us take her or you step forward."

I'll get us out of this Es, Leon assures me telepathically.

Gazing at him curiously as a guy lifts me over his shoulder with a grunt, Leon squints sternly in our direction...

"Grab him, Florence!" The guy holding me orders.

Florence spends no time waiting, he bolts over to Leon only to be tossed into the air carelessly as a fly, Leon gesturing his hand skywards.

"Shit! Run!" Somebody hollers. The guy carrying me sprints right away.

Don't you think of just sitting there motionless on his back without putting up a fight! I hear Leon tell me. You even fight me when I carry you for God's sake!

Still feeling exhausted and dizzy, I knee his ribs and kick his lower back with a tired sigh...
My hands were balled together as he held them together in his meaty grasp, not allowing me to fully get my chance to escape.

"Everybody, stop running!" The guy gripping onto me bellows suddenly. "It's one against how many? We've got this!"

"Curtis, are you all there? Alpha even mentioned how he's not a force to wrecken with! He'll turn this camp into shambles!"

"Than go and sip tea and watch Twilight, Daniel!" Curtis spitefully speaks to him. "He's not some God!"

With that, Daniel was striding quickly off in the distance, him looking more lanky than all the guys here.

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