Chapter Twenty-One: Fight Club

Start from the beginning

I had on a pair of sweats with shorts on underneath and a hoodie. I jogged outside quickly without anyone seeing and I ran into an all black Mercedes that was parked and waiting for me. Jackson got out and leaned on the top of the car. He smirked at me and I pulled down my hood.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked while pausing with my hand on the door.

"Nice to see you too, baby. You honestly think I would let you go to this anarchy by yourself?" He asked. He had on a hoodie underneath a leather jacket and I would be lying straight through my teeth if I said he didn't look good. Jackson McKinnon with his tanned skin, grey eyes and biceps the size of my head was a tall drink of water. I'd never deny it.

"You're seriously coming to watch me fight girls for money?" I asked, slowly clarifying my words to him.

"I know for you, you aren't doing this for money. You're doing it for fun." He teased while licking his lips and I caught sight of the slightly pointed canines in his mouth.

"Are you seriously enjoying the way I'm dressed? I'm wearing Connor's lacrosse hoodie and I'm wearing Kayce's football sweatpants." I said while looking down at my baggy clothes.

"As cliche as it sounds, you could wear a trash bag and you'd look good." He assured. I chuckled slightly and opened the passenger door to his car and got in. We drove off to the abandoned club together.

A lot of high school kids were in the building, some from our academy and some from other schools. A fight was going on and there was a large area sectioned off for it. Music with heavy bass was loudly pounding throughout the room, I could feel the sound under my feet. However, the large cheers from the teenagers and young adults drowned out the actual music itself. Werewolves sure knew how to party.

I stopped to watch the two fight and Jackson stood behind me. He placed his hands on my hips and I raised an eyebrow but ignored it. His hands then went under my sweater and onto the bare skin of my stomach; goosebumps rose on my skin and I couldn't stop the smile on my face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Telling Tanner Westwood to fuck off." He said in a deep voice and I could feel the grumbly and angry power coming from him.

"Well, now that you have established your dominance...or did you need to mark me in front of them?" I asked pushing his hands away and going over to Liam.

"Grey." He smirked, turning from Tyler to talk to me.

"Hey babe. Who am I fighting?" I asked while placing my hand on Ty's shoulder.

"You have a huge line up for you. Sarah's friend, Victoria wants to fight you. You win, you get two hundred." He said.

"Thanks, you should just give me the money now." I smirked going into the back room. Jackson followed me into the room and I pulled off my hoodie and tossed it onto a nearby bench.

"You seem overly confident." He noted.

"Have you seen me fight?" I asked pushing down my pants and stepping out of the soft material and I bent over to pick them up and I felt Jackson's eyes on my ass as I did.

"I have. Sometimes I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Don't say that." I sighed while standing up straight and I gave him a look over my shoulder at his words.


"Because you aren't family. People outside of my family don't care about me." I said while grumbling. I was often called the Grinch by my family members.

"Well you're going to have to get used to it, baby. I'm your mate, in case you didn't already know."

"I know." I sighed while rolling my eyes.

"Don't sound too excited now." He smirked coming over to me.

"Trust me. I'm overly excited." I said sarcastically. He frowned while looking down at me and I watched him for a few moments until he grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine roughly. I gasped slightly as I stepped back; my canines descended and I growled back at him, I loved that his kisses were not gentle and loving, but rough and angry, it made me feel like this was actually real. I was feeling all the mating symptoms begin to break through. The more intimate things I was doing with Jackson, the more the supplements weren't working.

He pushed me back into an old deep freeze machine and lifted me with ease onto it. I laughed breathlessly as his mouth landed back on mine. His hands pushed up my baggy shirt and I ran my nails along his jaw to the back of his hair where the loose brown strands were and I tugged on them restlessly.

The loud bang on a door made me pull back and I moved him back. I hopped down and fixed my hair as Jackson watched me. I looked back at him and he pressed his lips to mine again, quickly yet with the same demanding tone and roughness.

"You're amazing." He said while pulling back and I stared at him in wonder. How did this guy see so much in me? I didn't see anything in myself, I saw everything in the characters I made. Now this one loved what I brought to the table. The table which was now filled with crazy and psychotic attributes that came from me.

"You're an odd one." Was all I said.

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