Will smiled, "Okay focus girls. Sunday, Lauren you are going to the studio writing with—"

It was Dinah and Normani's turn to start cheering for Lauren. She would be writing a song with Halsey for her upcoming album. She was overjoyed, it was going to be a love song between two women. Something she doesn't think has ever been done before. 

Will laughed, "I love your support for one another but can we finished with the schedule?" The girls stayed quiet. Dinah pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. "Great, back to Sunday...Normani you have nothing, but that might change. Um, Lauren you want to go to a concert, correct?"

Lauren nodded, "The 1975, but it was cancelled. New York might be hit with a snowstorm."

"Thank god," Dinah said relieved. "I love you Lolo, but I didn't wanna go"

Lauren laughed, "That's fine. They're performing in Orlando in March. I'll see them then."

"Good luck finding someone to go," Normani mumbled.

"You too?" Lauren laughed. "I think it's cute ya'll were willing go to for me."

"Yes, yes. You all are very cute," Will interrupted. "Monday, interview for Good Morning America. Snowstorm or no snowstorm, we will be there. Then we are hitting the studio to put the finishing touches on the new single. It sounds so good girls, just have to get the feature. He'll be in the studio with us. Lastly, Tuesday we have a brunch with Billboard Magazine."

The girls nodded and he continued.

"They want it to be as natural as possible so we are all going, Ally included. They want you with your guards down to let things slip out, but don't be fooled."

"Okay papa Will," Dinah joked, "Calm down. We'll be okay."

The plane began to take off and Camila took off her earbuds. She was caught completely off guard when she heard the sound of Lauren's laughter. What the fuck, she thought. She began to get butterflies, not the good kind. She wondered why no one warned her that Lauren would be there.

"So, you're really not going to tell me what happened yesterday?" Normani asked again with annoyance.

Camila sat up a little bit seeing if she could catch a little explanation of what went down last night.

"Shit just ended bad," Lauren said.

"As long as it's nothing I have to worry about," Will questioned.

"No," Lauren said standing up as the plane leveled out. "You don't have to worry. I'm going in the back to sleep for a little on the couch."

Lauren noticed the three girls exchanging a look with one another. When getting on the plane, Ally texted Dinah and Normani letting them know that Camila was with her. They knew that both girls were going to be upset, if not pissed, at them for this.

Shrugging it off, Lauren made her way to the back. She didn't notice Camila at first, her main focus was the couch. She spent all night awake being angry and hurt. Angry at Shawn's words, hurt at Camila's decision to end things.

Most of all, she missed the younger girl. It was only a couple of hours, but she missed everything about her. She wanted to run into her arms and not let go. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this way.


Placing her luggage down, she turned around to give the girls some lyrics she had wrote last night. When hurt green eyes met with tired brown eyes an array of emotions were unleashed. Lauren was more than confused, she didn't know why Camila was there.

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