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Along with the dagger, dress and demon, the boys got me the new Harry Potter book, a bunch of hair accessories and a new gun. It was a revolver and it had specialty bullets for different beasts. Dad came in while I was spinning the barrel at hypre speed and put three big boxes down in front of me. He smiled and shoved Sam out of his armchair. I opened the first one and found a polka dot sundress in white with different rainbows dots on it with a par of matching ballet flats. I stepped towards him to give him a hug, but he held up his hand.

“Hold off on the huggin’ ‘ill you see the rest.” He said gruffly. I opened the next box and found a cross bow with an array of bolts. I grinned and hefted it. It was surprisingly light, but still operational. No breaking on the job then. I opened the last box, which was smaller than the others and pulled out a vintage looking jewelry case, with cut glass panels and a mirror in the back. It was full of vintage jewelry and pins. They were all fake but they sure as hell looked real. I pulled out a pair of pearl earrings and gazed at the hazy reflections of myself.

“Oh daddy.” I said my voice weak. I dropped the earrings back in the little golden drawer and dashed to him. I forgot I was now 23, I forgot I was a hunter, or a mad person, I forgot it all. I was just the happiest girl in the world with her sweetest dad. We all ate pancakes in the kitchen which ended in Sam covered in powder sugar, Dean and I smothered in syrup, and dad scrubbing batter out of his beard furiously. We all took showers and then Dean and Sam helped me finish up my car. We painted it blue to match my new dress and the grey leather seats got scrubbed clean.

We went inside around 6 in the evening, all glowing with triumph. They headed into the kitchen for some beers while I slipped out of my work boots. I sat down and popped the pills when my headache kicked in. I stood up to join the others when the doorbell rang. I didn’t recognize their aura so I opened the door and a delivery man stood with a package. He smiled.

“Miss Angelica Barnes?” He said politely. I nodded and he handed me the package. “This is from Mr. Angelo. Sign here.” He handed me toaster sized box and the clip board. I scribbled my name on it and he smiled as he left. I held the package gently and looked at the label. It was printed, like a machine had typed it up and spat it out. I carried it inside, bumping the door closed with my hip. I walked into the kitchen where the boys fell silent and looked at me. I set it on the table and slid a knife through the top flap.

I lifted the lid and a falcon leaped out. It was white all over with golden eyes. It looked at me and unmistakably bowed before leaping onto my shoulder. It pressed against me and made a kind of trilling sound in its throat. I looked at the boys and they both gaped at it. Dad walked in and stared at me as well. I looked into the box, my heart pounding and pulled out a pair of white and gold leather gloves and a letter. It was more of a note seeing as it only had a few sentences on it.

I am sorry for whatever I have done to offend you. Happy Birthday Angelica


I stared at it and shivers ran up my spine. C? Castiel? Did Castiel send me a falcon? I slipped on the gloves and held my arm out the falcon wobbled down my arm until it stood on my arm, magnificent and proud. I grinned and reached up my ungloved hand to pet it. It closed its eyes and I grinned. Sam reached forward and it snapped at him. Its feathers stood up and it glared at him. I clucked angrily and he turned to me, his feathers relaxing. I frowned at him.

“Now none of that! This is Sam. He’s my friend.” I sad patting Sam’s head. The falcon bristled and shoo itself disapprovingly. Sam sighed and moved around the table sadly. I glowered at my falcon and he glowered back. “Now Momo, don’t do that. See how hurt Sam is? That’s bad.” I said grumpily. Dean looked t me.

“Momo? You are naming that majestic creature Momo?” He said disbelievingly. The falcon and I both glared at him and he shrugged and took a drink of his beer. I patted my shoulder and the bird waddled up my arm. I slipped off the gloves and placed them with my other presents, the bird wobbling as I moved. Dad looked at me and pointed to Momo.

“that thing is not coming with us to dinner.” He said decisively. Momo bristled again and I petted him absently.

“Dinner? We’re eating out?” I said curiously. Dad nodded.

“So take your stuff to your room and grab a shower. We need to leave soon if we wanna be there in time.” He sad bossily. I smiled and hugged him, Momo flapping into the air angrily. He was huge and incredible. I put out my arm and he landed lightly, his talons squeezing me slightly as he wobble up my shoulder. I grabbed my stuff and walked upstairs, careful to move at a comfortable pace for Momo. He seemed very proud and I wondered if Cas had tampered with his head. I dropped off my stuff in my room, placing the jewelry box and the demon box on my dresser.

I looked at my window and grinned. I slid the latch and climbed out, scaling the vines and trellis. I climbed onto the roof and sat on the chimney by the wind vane, letting Momo rest on the vane. He wiggled a bit and thrust his chest out importantly. I laughed and stroked him

“Listen. I’m going out, and I want you to stay here. Guard the house and come find me if anything comes here. Okay?” I sad. He bobbed his head and I laughed. I slid down the angled roof and swung into my bedroom. I dropped onto the floor and ran to the bathroom to take a shower. I slipped into the blue dress and braided my hair with the ribbons the boys had gotten for me. I dug through the jewelry and put in a pair of sapphire blue earrings and a matching ring. I spun in the mirror and slipped into my black high heels.

I grabbed my wing bag and slid down stairs on the banister. I landed in front of the boys and Dad at the bottom of the stairs. They all gaped at me as I batted my eye lashes at them. I hooked arms with Sam and Dad and marched them outside. My jag was sitting out front and Dad dangled a pair of keys in front of me. I grinned and ran to the front seat.

“Shot gun for eternity!” Dean said hooting and running to the front.

“What? You can’t do that! It doesn’t work that way!” Sam said in a pathetic voice. Dean laughed and sat in the front anyway. I slid in and sighed as the car rumbled into life. I closed my eyes and gripped the wheel.

“Right rules of the jag. Seat belts in use at all times, unless we’re in a car chase. No making devil’s traps in permanent ink, I’ll deal with that later. No borrowing, buying or selling of the car, and driver picks music, and riders shut up.” I said. Dean glared at me and I whooped in joy. I kicked the engine and the men all grabbed onto their seats as my brand new car revved and skidded down the road.

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