"Sorry Demi," she said softly while playing with my hands.

"No baby, don't apologize! It isn't your fault they pretty much broke into my apartment and scared you the first time you got to see your new home," I said.

"But they were just trying to be nice and celebrate for me. You don't have to get mad at them. They didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have freaked out," I pulled her closer to me.

"I know, and you can't help that you freaked out. That's what anxiety does. It sucks, I know," she just sat there emotionlessly playing with the rings on my hands and looking at my tattoos. "Are you ready to go back out there?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence. She nodded. I told her to wait a minute and I'd be back. I went back out to everyone and found Simon.

"Is she okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah she's fine now, she just has anxiety and doesn't do well with surprises," I explained.

"I'm sorry Demi. I didn't think that would happen. We can leave if you want," he said. When he wasn't being a jerk he was really actually thoughtful and caring. 

"No, it's fine. I shouldn't have gotten that mad. Anna's ready to come out now so please try not to send her into another anxiety attack. She's really tired from the medicine she's on and she's really fragile from all the tests and stuff that's gone on the last few days," he nodded and I went back to get Anna. 

It wasn't much of a party because Anna couldn't really do much. They brought pizza and cake and we all talked for a while. Anna didn't eat anything because she already ate. She was getting more and more tired. I put a movie on for all of us to watch. We all went into my living room to watch the movie. There weren't enough seats for everyone so most of them had to sit on the floor. Anna went to sit on the floor, but I made her sit on the couch with me, Kelly, Pualina, and Simon. She sat awkwardly between me and Kelly. As the movie went on I could see her eyes getting heavy. I pulled her into me so she was laying her head on my shoulder. "You can sleep," I whispered to her. She nodded, but still tried to keep her eyes open. After a couple of minutes she fell asleep. I loved it when she slept on me. She was so cute and I could hold her forever. Kelly looked over at us and awed. I mouthed 'I know' to her. 

Once the movie was finished Simon got up and turned on the lights. Anna brought her legs up onto the couch and curled up into a little ball on me subconsciously. He saw Anna asleep on me and started leading everyone out. Kelly stayed by me and Anna. "I wanna take a picture of this. This is just too cute!" she said and got her phone out. She took a selfie with me and Anna in the background. I tossed her my phone. 

"Take a picture of just me and Anna," I said she nodded and stood up to take a picture of us. She handed my phone back to me and I looked at the picture. It was really cute. Anna was of course asleep on me and I was glancing down at her smiling. Kelly said bye and then left. I tweeted the picture.

"ddlovato: The rumors are true. I'm fostering this little cutie<3


I got a ton of replies instantly. I scrolled through some of them. There were of course the normal fangirl tweets, and the stupid hate comments saying things like 'you're fat' or whatever. I read a couple that made me infuriated. A lot of so called "fans" were talking bad about Anna and how she was going to ruin my career and how I shouldn't be fostering her. I sent out another tweet.

"ddlovato: If you are a true lovatic, you will support me and my decisions. You all should know that I'm against hate."

All my real lovatics were standing up for me. That's why I loved my fanbase. They stand up for me no matter what. I tweeted again.

"ddlovato: I love my baby girl<3 Thank you guys for supporting me."

After that I got up and got makeup wipes to take off Anna's makeup. She was wearing legging and a T-shirt so I'd just let her sleep in that. I came back and Anna was still asleep on the couch. I took her wig off and she woke up and groaned at me. I started wiping her makeup off and she opened her eyes to look at me. Once she saw it was me she shut her eyes again scrunching up her face while I wiped it clean. When I was finished I went to the guest bedroom to get the bed ready for Anna. I went back in the living room and she had fallen back asleep. I picked her up. She grabbed into me in her sleep. I carried her into the room that would now be her's and sat her down on the bed and tucked her in. I watched as she got comfortable and then I turned off the light and left. I went and took a shower and got on twitter for a while before I fell asleep.


Do you guys like Anna's POV or Demi's POV better?

Next update: Thursday

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