48. Win the Battle But Not The War (Nationals)

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The Next Day

With no Kate or Richelle back from hospital, the team had to keep moving forward and to focus on the Semifinals round. Michelle was the dancer with the most experience and decided to step up and help keep the team on track until Kate got back, but who knew when that could be.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm on the stage with the team right now because we are having our rehearsal time for the Semifinals round. Only Gemini, Joanne Chapman, Rhythm Plus and US are left in the competition.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm picking up the Choreography really well. This type of dance is alot different from past Semifinal Dances that we have done, which I like because it shows we're a studio that can do lots of things.

"Alright, we're have around 10 minutes left before we have to get of the stage for the next team. So use this time Wisley alright? I'm going to call Miss Kate" Michelle said, walking of into wings to have a private phone call with the studio owner, anything could happen at that point.

The Medical Center

"... Okay thank you"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I just got of the phone to Michelle back at the competition. I can't go back until they find out what up with Richelles leg. But I'm not sure it's very good.

The doctor came back to Richelle and Kate with an Ipad that showed her scan results. "Alright. I've got the results. It shows that you have avulsed the tendon from the bone by around 2mm" He began to explain. Richelle seemed to sound relieved by this, "Oh thank goodness. That's not to bad"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
This is still really bad. Everyone knows that I used to be dance captain and in A troupe. This is the injury I had that took me out of the Regionals team in 2003. It takes a long time but does eventually heal.

"No. Richelle you are in the brink of needing serious leg surgery! No dance for at least 3 months and it may be more once we get you to come back for a check up." the doctor explained, it was making sense now to Richelle. "could this type of injury end my dance career?" Richelle asked, She ans Kate both held their breath.

"With this type of injury, anything is possible but if you rest completely it is like you'll make a full recovery." He explained, "I'm going to recommend that your parents come and collect you and take you home today" he said, the doctor left the room.

"I'll stay until your parents get here"

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
3 months off, that's not too bad? Is it?

Absolute Dance Nationals

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Welcome to the Absolute Dance National Championship, I'm Chuck Anderson and we're going into the penultimate, all important Semifinal round of this year's championship!

Tré Armstrong - SNR Network
We have seen amazing talent over the last few days, but it's time for the big rounds, who is going to make it into that final round?


Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
A troupe came to the wings because we're going to see Gemini Dance. We have not payed them much attention in the competition so far but now we need to keep an eye on them.

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