6. Final Cut

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Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
After all I put A troupe through before Regionals. I don't expect to be given a spot on A troupe. But I'm going to give it my best shot anyway. I just hope that everyone can see that I've learned my lesson and I'm over Riley. She loves James and that's okay with me.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is the studio the was wowing the dance community and when they lost Regionals they wowed everyone to the max. I want to be a dancer that helps the studio get back to the top again.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
The occasional defeat doesn't mean your loosing the war. This next team is going to do great things.


"Alright dancers, That was incredible!" Kate yelled, congratulating everyone on their solo. There was definitely a lot to talent in the room that day, even some one the J troupers and B troupers were doing great. "I'm going to have a talk with Daniel and Riley and James for a second while we decided who's going through to the next round." Kate announced, that ment one thing, they needed juices!

Java Junction

"... See would you look at that...." James muttered with a smile to Riley, who was in one of those moods where she couldn't understand what he was saying. Since they were deciding who was going through to the next round, they needed some juices and they both went down to get them.

Riley (James girlfriend) POV -
Things have been going so well with me and James recently. Ever since Regionals we are connected on a whole other level! I just love him so much.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into Java junction because I want to get some juices. But i bump into James and Riley so I stop to talk to them. I really don't know where are as I did steal her solo but we kinda made up.

"Oh hey guys, didn't see you there! How are you?" She asked, She could tell they were great from they way they were holding hands so tightly. But she was drawn to the ring on her finger and yelled in shock. "OH MY DAYS DID JAMES PROPOSE? ARE YOU TO GETTING MARRIED?

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe that James and Riley are getting married. They deserve each other so I'm happy for them.

" What, no, no, it's a promise ring" Riley answered, trying to escape everyone's pring eyes as they beamed on on the trio. "Oh, great well Sorry then" She said, and with that, she took the drinks that we ment for James and Riley instead of the one she ordered.

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
I will never understand Ella!

Studio A - 30 Minutes Later

"So. We have the list of names if people that are going through to the Choreography round, and they are
1)Piper 2)Zara 3) Alfie 4)Thea 5) Heather 6)Latroy, Sloane Amy, Cassie7)Noah 8)Richelle 9)Skylar 10)Ella 11)Sarah 12)Hollie 13)Olivia 14) Henry 15)Michelle 16)Haiden 16)Emily 17)Kingston 18)Elliot 20)Rebecca 21)Lily22)Joe 23)Harry 24)Ben 25)Megan 26)Rhiannon 27)Clara 28)Lucy 29)Charlie 30) Stacey

Skylar (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When I find out that I make the next round I'm so happy and pleased!

Richelle (Acro dancer) POV -
It's a relief to get my name called out.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm proud that I got this far and I know that I can make A troupe.

"Alright, Well done to everyone and there is always next year but if those who didn't make it could collect your things that would be great" Kate explained, next Daniel came forward and began to explain about the Choreography. "Alright, so I'm going to teach you the Choreography. I'm not going to go over it 1000s of time to pay attention"

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I remember Daniel from Regionals auditions so I should be able to get his Choreography down really well.

"Go, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and grand Jete into Pirouettes" He said, slowly teaching the Choreography. He was pleased that many people seemed to be getting it, even Sloane was getting the Contemporary Choreography down well so she had really improved.

"You have 30 Minutes to learn it all and get into your groups to practice"

30 Minutes later

"Okay, your time is up! Can we have group 1 on the floor please?"

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I know Daniel inside out and his Choreography. I know I can do this!

Thea (Lyrical Dancer) POV -
I'm doing the steps well, I just have to put passion and Emotions in to make it really stand out.


"and group 2"

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel very confident about this audition, I just hope I make A troupe!


"and finally group 3"

Hollie (Modern Dancer) POV -
I feel that I am doing a great job with this Choreography!

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Oh please, easy peasy!

Elliot (Hip Hop dancer) POV -
This is a little difficult I'm not going to lie but i think I'm doing it well!

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm doing this dance well, if I don't get in from this point onwards it's because people have have an agenda against me from what happened at internationals!

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm not looking for love anymore, I'm looking to dance, I'm looking to win!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I already have some ideas about who is going to be on the team. All I'l say is that there's gonna be a lot of upset dancers out there...

Next time - A troupe is announced, the dancers learn there ranks of the studio

So what do you think? Comment suggestions and what you think down in the comment section and don't forget to vote! Enjoy!

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