Chapter 13

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It was Saturday and I was in a small open area far inSide the forest, too far for a human to venture to, waiting for my family.

Usually my siblings and I meet to talk about our progress in our different missions. Since this such a big plan, we had to divide the work. I had to manipulate Silas. Emilio had too keep a close eye on Jessi because if she died, we'd be in major trouble with the worlds.

Joel had to be rude to Shelby, one of my friends, to distract her from me, so she doesn't questions me when I disappear. My youngest brother, Dylan, was not assign a mission yet.

I was the first one to show up then Emilio, Dylan, and Joel. (in that order)

"Emilio, how is Jessi?"


"Why don't I have a mission yet?" Dylan interupted.

"Well... there's a new girl transfering to our school and happens to be in your science class. Mind talking to her and welcoming her to the school?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure."

I would probably look for her at school to befriend her. Because if she finds out, I can just explain and she would believe it, like everyone else around. Everyone is just part of the plan. I don't care about anyone; it's just me, myself, and I. It wasn't a big mission, but atleast he felt part of the whole 'get Silas to turn evil' plan.

"So, Emilio..."I looked at him to continue.

"A crazy chick named Victoria almost killed Jessi on my watch. Apparently, she was a witch and she wanted Jessica's blood for a 'special' spell. So... i kinda killed her."

"I don't care that you killed her. She was going to disrupted our plans and that would of spoiled everything we worked for. Father wouldn't of been happy. Do what you have to to make sure that Jessi is safe. She is the one that will make sure that this plan is successful."

Father. He doesn't even deserve that title. What he has done to me? What he's attempted to do to my siblings? I always made sure he didn't touch my siblings, even if it put me in danger.

"Okay, this meeting is over. Joel keep at Shelby. She's beginning to aske me questions. Emilio keep watching over Jessica. Do what you need to. And, Dylan make sure to welcome the new girl and mention me because she is now part of the plan."

"Okay!" they replied, saluted me with a laugh before speeding off.

I stayed for a little longer.

I liked being left alone. But, I also didn't. I was always alone, being the only girl; my brothers were always closer to each other than me. I never relied on somebody because it's always been me who would actually look out for my well-beings.

Sometimes though, I have these hero moments were I protect my brothers. I would protect them from the powerful wrath of out father.

It's funny how clueless they can be.

They think this is my plan when really, it's his. He would of punished me if i didn't do what he said. And, of course, he also threaten my three younger brothers fully aware that they were my only weakness.

I always put others before me. It's me protecting everyone and no one protecting me.

I decide I might as well visit Silas, since he was giving me the cold shoulder the whole week. His house appeared infront of me, I walked up the stair that led to his door and knocked.

No answer.

"Probably not home," I muttered to myself. I walked away not noticing the eyes watching me through a crack in the curtains. I started headed to my so called home where my father was waiting for me, to give him a progress. I walked through the door to meet my brothers chained to a wall, unconscious and bloody. By the way my father was grinning evilly at me, I knew he found out what I had done.

"It has seemed that someone has been a very naughty girl..."

"NOOOO!!!!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE, PUNISH ME!!!!!!! THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!!! IT WAS ALL ME WHAT EVER I DID, IT WAS ME! NOT THEM!" I started toward them, but before i did everything went black.

So many century, I have been protecting them from that monster. In a mere minute, everything was falling apart. My brothers were going to experience what our father could do, and I couldn't do anything about it. It had been brought down upon them because of my mistake.


So what you think with changing point of views?



Please it will mean the world to us. :) :) :)

Thank you for reading! x)

Until next time,.....

-ROSY <3 (need a break from life)

[edited by mel]

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