Chapter 24

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I sighed as I walked through the gates and over to my friends. I'm a sophomore now and it's been a year since I last saw Jessica. I recently just stopped looking for her after Rose convinced me that Jessica either got killed or killed herself. Both causing a dull pain to form at my heart and spread throughout my body; I ignored them just like the rest of my emotions.

It's hard for me to get out bed, not knowing if she all right; if she alive.

Every day is the same. I get up in the morning, go to school, and come home to sleep. Rose has to literally shove squirrel's blood down my throat because I refuse to eat. I don't have an appetite anymore, not for the past year. I stay in school because my mother is strict about me finishing it. She says as long as I graduated then she'd be happy; she couldn't care what I did after high school.

Rose and I have been going around the country to find supernatural creatures like us. I have grown more powers than before and even though I am only a year in vampire years, I am stronger than a vampire who is two hundred years old. We always have the same power. (Even though, she has two more than me.) Once she reaches the end of her powers, I will too after developing two more.

I think she could defeat her father on her own, but she says that he'll be coming back more powerful and also have demons with him. I finally meet her friend, Logan. He seems great, but I secretly hate him.

He was the reason Jessica was gone. He was the reason why Jessica was a vampire. I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts so I could pay attention in my English class. I really hated this class because in the beginning of the school year, my English teacher was the only one that had said her name. She was going to be in my class. We could have been together and we could have got caught staring at each other by the teacher and we could have done homework together. But, of course, not much study would have been done (if we were a couple).

It was only the last five minutes of class when the door opened and a scent filled my nostrils and it surrounded me, almost suffocating me.

What is that smell?

"Hello?" The teacher asked obviously confused.

"I'm Delilah. I just transferred here." Her voice sounded so familiar, why did it sound so familiar? I wanted to turn around to look at her, but I was scared. I didn't know what this feeling was. I didn't know what to about it. I've only felt it once before.

The bell rang and I was the first to be out of the door. I pushed through the crowded quad, going to Rose's and mine usual lunch spot. I still hung out with my other friends (Henry and Ira), but they didn't know what I was going though; they never did.

I looked around, making sure no one was around before pulling out a water bottle that was spray-painted black so no one could tell what was in it. I pulled off the cap and took two gulps of the red liquid. If I didn't finish this by the end of the day, Rose would force me to.

I was in mid-thought when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. A smile sub-consciously made it way on my face and I turned around also throwing my arms around the small figure in front of me. The person buried their head in my chest as I snuggled into their hair.

I said, "Hey."

"Hello," Rose replied.

We have gotten closer over the year. We were always together, from travel to a different state to hunting. Losing Jessica took its toll on both of us, but we had each other. I always came to her with my problems and vice versa. She said it had to do with the fact that she turned me, but I think it's because we actually do connect, not through supernatural ways, but normal, regular ways.

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