Chapter 16

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Silias p.o.v

I rose up from my bed, wondering what I could do to get Jessica to trust me again. I knew I messed up, I was hoping to date her, but now... I don't know.

I wish I could go back and not tell her or at least tell her in a different way, a way she would understand, but at the same time I feel like it would have things worst for me because knowing me I would have procrastinated. I picked up my phone from the night stand beside my bed and decided to call her.

With ever ring, I lost hope that she would pick up and right when I was about to hang up, someone answered.

"Hey Jessica, I'm sorr-" I stopped talking when the person on the other lines interrupted me.

"This isn't Jessica." A deep raspy voice answered. My eye brows creased in confusion. Who was answering her phone?

"Who are y-" Once again he interrupted me.

"Does matter! But, I think, me having your sweet Jessica is what matters, isn't it?"

"Why do you have her?!" I yelled at him, surprising myself with my loudness.

"Well you see Silas, I want something. And that's for you to come here and find me. I have a surprise for you." He hung up before I could reply.

What did he want? I couldn't think of any thing. What did he mean by a surprise?

I should really tell Rose about this.

I rang Rose and waited for her to pick up, but she wouldn't. I was seriously debating whether to go look for Jessica or Rose. Rose could help me find her, but I lov- liked Jessica and I didn't want her to die.

I decided to look for Rose and have her help me look for Jessica. I got dressed and headed outside saying goodbye to my mom. I was just praying that while I was looking for Rose, that Jessica was okay and alive.





SilasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant