Chapter 3

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1/07/16 - EDITED

I had gotten to my first period quickly after my confrontation with Mrs. Hallen. The theater teacher was allowing us to talk among ourselves today, and it allowed me to question whether I heard Mrs. Hallen correctly or not. I tried to remember the words and the way her lips moved, trying to see any other words, but this girl next to me, Victoria, wouldn't stop talking.

"-so, like, my mother Linda said, 'F-ck you, Victoria,' and when I went to my dog, Mitzie, for comfort, she b-tch slapped me. My own dog betrayed me," she threw hands into the air in frustration and turned to me. "Do you know how it feels to be betrayed by your only friend? Of course, I forgave Mitzie, but only after I returned the slap."

I ignored her question and just hoped she would talk to someone else about her strange family issues. As I was about to go back to my issue, a student service walked into the class. I immediately knew his name. I personally didn't know him, but he had a reputation at this school. With his strange appearance, I knew this was the infamous Skelly. I noticed his eyes flash a bright golden color before they turned back to their original light blue. Was he the same creature as Mrs. Hallen? Does that happen every time someone supernatural is near? Do my eyes do that?

As the theater teacher got up to address the student service, he tripped and fell. Every thing after seemed to happen in slow mode. I heard people start to scream out in horror, but all I could small was the sweet stench of blood. It wafted through the air and surround me in its presence. I stared at the teacher's un-moving body. I knew I had to stop myself before I did something, and luckily, I was able to snap out of the trance when the paramedics arrived.

The period ended, and everyone shakily got up from their seat, leaving quickly, including me. I had to get away from the smell of blood. I was almost out the door when Skelly grabbed a hold on my arm.

"I know you're one of them." He was bent over so he was able to whisper in my ear. He probably didn't want other students to hear what he had said. Why, though?

That was already two people - creatures? - that have said the same thing to me. There may even be more people out there that might know what I was. What if she knew? No, she didn't because if she did, she'd have to be something supernatural too. After Skelly let go of me and went on his way, I made my way to the bathroom to wash m face and to calm down. I reached it in less than one minute and went inside, but I was caught by surprise when I was met with Ira and Henry, humping each other. Even though they were just using each other, I thought they'd make a cute couple. I just wished they did this stuff at home.

"Get a room, you guys" I said with a small smirk before turning and leaving the bathroom. I could see through their little act and could tell that they had feelings for each other. They practically had love hearts coming from their eyes.

I was walking to meet Rose when someone bumped into me.

"Oh sorry!" she said picking up her phone she had dropped.

Before I could say anything, she left. The girl was her.


Hope you like it 

[edited by Mel: AUGUST 26]

1/07/16 --

Editing again because why not.

mel xx.

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