Chapter 11

349 17 1

1/07/16 - EDITED

It was the last period of the day and my nerves were through the roof. There were too many reason why I shouldn't show up for the tutor session. Each possible scenario ran through my head:

I might try to bite her, again.

She'll think I'm stupid.

I might say something stupid.

I might do something stupid.

She 'll think I'm stupid.

I might try to kill her.

"Mr. Hannah, would you like to join today lesson or would you rather get back to your day dreaming and join my after class?"

"Um... yeah. sorry," I blushed when I heard laughter come from behind me.

I bet they wouldn't be laughing if they knew I could kill everyone in the room in less than three seconds. 

I sighed when those horrible thoughts plague my head. I haven't been drinking human blood ever since Rose lied about not being able to drink from animals. There has to be a reason why she didn't want me eating animals instead of humans and I was going to find out that reason. However, one of the side effects was that I got angry quickly and easily, so I've been having trouble controlling my thoughts.

"Again, Mr. Hannah please join this lesson if you don't want detention." I didn't bother replying. I can't get detention because I have a tutor session with Jessica after this class.

I tried my best to be interested in the lesson, but my mind kept going back to Jessica.

Why would she say yes? After what happen at that dinner.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell echoing through the room, signaling that the school day has ended an so was this class. I got out of the class and head towards the entrance, preparing for a lot of awkward silence.

I saw her waiting figure at the gate, and I swear I'm going to pass out.

"Hey, Jessi."

"Hey, Silas"

Oh god, the way she say my name. I start walking towards my house with her at my side.

Never thought I would be saying that.

"So.... how was your day?" I tried breaking the silence between us.

"Good and how was yours?" This is going to be so awkward. I already know it.

"Fine, except for my last teacher trying to give me detention." I said trying to spark up a conversation.

"Why would she do that since you seem like the type to pay attention?" I could tell she was warming up to me since that sentence was filled with sarcasm since it was obvious I was almost failing biology right now because of my attention problem.

"Seriously, because if you could tell my teacher that then I'll owe you."

"So why exactly do you need this tutoring, then?" she smirked, knowing she got me trapped in a corner.

"Um.. because... um.. hm, glad you asked. Well, uh..I...wanted to...spend time with you!" Oh no what did.. why did I say that! Stupid!

"Oh really! I'm flattered." she said laughing. Okay, good, she doesn't think I'm weird for saying that. We've reached my house, and I pull out my keys to unlock my door.

I said," welcome to mi casa," as I threw my door open. She chuckled at my welcome. 

Well this is a good start. At least she isn't uncomfortable around me.

"Do you want to study in the dining room or your room?" she asked.

"Dining room so my mom doesn't think we're doing anything in my room." I winked at her. She chuckled again. I wondered where this confidence came from.

"Let me get my text book!" I said as I went up to my room. As I headed back down stairs, I knew that if I wanted to kept her safe, I'd have to vervain her now.

"Hey, do you want something to drink? tea, coffee, or water?"

"Tea, please."

Okay, that should easy to put vervain in. I went into the kitchen and made the tea before putting in the vervain in too.

"Here you are, darling!"


"No prob! So let's getting started with this tutoring!" I said with noticeably fake excitement. She threw her head back with laughter. How I love her laugh.

"Are you going to stay for dinner?" I asked as I slammed my book closed and tossed it on to the coffee table. We had just finished an hour of biology.

It was horrible (but I dealt with it since she was teaching me).

"Yeah I think so.... I live next door so it doesn't matter."

"Okay I'll tell my mom to cook for three, not two." I got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey mom, Jessi's staying for dinner, okay?"

"Yeah, tell her that fine." With that response, I happily walked back to my dinning room.

"So dinner's going to be done in like 5 minutes...." I said as I walked back into the living room. We moved from the dining room, here, because it was more comfortable. She looked up from her book and I almost melted under her gaze.

We sat for a while and just talked about everything. We talked about school. Homework. The weather, even.

"Dinners ready!!"

After dinner, I walked her to her house.

"Bye... see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye." she said. "Maybe.... we can, um, walk to school together tomorrow morning....." she added blushing slightly.

Did she--She just asked me to walk with her. (I'm jumping with joy on the inside.)

"Y-yeah. Sure, that sounds awesome." Her grin widen once she heard my respond.

"Goodbye." she said once more and then did something unexpected. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. " See you tomorrow." she added as she turned around and walk down my driveway and towards her own.

I shut the door and walked to my room silently, still processing what had happen. once I got into my room and sat on my bed did my brain register that she kissed my cheek. I got on my bed and jumped with glee and shouted.

" BE QUIET UP THERE NOW MISTER!" I stopped immediately.

"Yes! Yes!!" I had to be the happiest man on Earth right now. I looked at my clock and realize it was almost 10:30. How long did It take for me to get up here?

I decided to turn out the lights to go to sleep. I lied down on my bed and tried to go to sleep right away so that tomorrow could come faster.

Once again I fell asleep with a smile on my face because of Jessi.


I update way too much.....

-rosy<3 (has no life)

[edited by mel]

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