Chapter 25

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It was so dark in here. I don't know how long I've been in here, but I really don't care as long as I was far away from humans.

Humans, I thought bitterly. I used to be able to call myself that.

An itch formed in my throat and I started to cough until it left like one of my lungs were going to be coughed up instead of blood.


I gritted my teeth and used all the strength I had left to restrain myself from getting up. I would not allow myself to submit to the need of blood. The need of sucking a person dry (or even biting them). I ran from Silas, even though the smell coming off of him was so delightful that all my body wanted to do was to turn around and crash our lips together. I ran to a cave far into the forest. I ran into the endless dark and hoped that I would get lost so I could never come out.

(I would not allow myself to become a vampire. no matter what.)

Time seemed to fly by and slow down when stuck in a cave, I noticed. It seemed like it's been years that I've been here, but it also feels like I've been here for 2 minutes and have gone crazy from the darkness.

My heightened hearing picked up two sets of footsteps walking by the opening of the cave. My whole body stiffened and I only relaxed when they disappeared. They didn't smell like they had any human blood in them and for that I was grateful. But, I did wonder why neither of them smelled like humans. The only supernatural-beings I knew were Silas and Rose, but why would they be in the woods?

Alone? Together?

The thought quickly left my head as a stabbed pain appeared in my chest. I gasped and gripped there, but only when it started to spread to my entire body, did I scream.


My name echoed through my head. I hadn't said that, but the voice sounded so familiar.

"Jessica! Jessica!"


I fell to the side and my head hit a sharp edge of a rock. I could smell my blood and that only made the pit in my stomach grow.

"Silas." I repeated and smiled because I had forgotten how great it was to say his name and how great it was to see him. How great it was to love him. "Silas, I love you, too." I remember him say that he loved me before i had ran away.

My eyes started to droop and Silas screaming my name, desperately searching for me, became distant.

I blink once and saw a figure appear in front of me.

Blink. The body bent down and some light that protruded through a crack in the rocks shown on his face.

Blink. He picked me up and set me up on his lap. I smiled.

Blink. He kissed my forehead before biting into his wrist and pressing it against my lips.

I greedily stuck my fangs into his flesh and drank. Once I was satisfied, I let go of his arm and he leaned against the wall behind him.

I smiled again (this time Silas's blood stain on my lips). "Silas."

I closed my eyes.


I've finally found her. She was alive (as much as she was. She could barely move from blood deprivation). The only reason I could feed her my blood was because I was her mate and I was hers. We were true mates. Delilah just helped me prove that, though, it injured Jessica; I was there and I saved her.

I pulled out my phone to call Rose, but I was in a cave, so. There was no signal.

I put my phone back in my pocket and picked up Jessica so her head rest on my shoulders and one of my arms under her knees the other under her back. Once I reached outside, I placed Jessica on the ground gently and called Rose.

"What's up, Si?"

I wasted no time and told her, "I found Jessica" I heard a gasp and then something heavy dropping. "Rose?" I pulled the phone from my ear to see if she hung on me; she didn't. "Hello?" I said once the phone was back on my ear.

I hung up after a second or two, wanting to hold Jessica back to my chest. I picked her back up and sped off to Rose's house to see why she wouldn't answer me.

I got there and pulled out my spare key and immediately saw a passed out Rose on the floor of her living room.


I set Jessica on the couch and then picked up Rose and set her on the loveseat. I sat down after lifting Jessica's head so I could set it on my lap.

It took an hour before Rose woke up, but that didn't last long because she fainted again once she laid her eyes on Jessica. I shook my head and stroke my hand through Jessi's hair. Jessica woke up next and literally attack me, pressing her nose against my neck.

"Why do you smell so good?"

I froze I didn't know what to say. "You won't like it."

"Tell me."

I swallowed hard and looked away while mumbling that we were mates, but that didn't satisfy her and she wanted me to repeat what I said.

"We're... we're..." Now, it felt like I was going to pass out. Breathe. Breathe. "We're mates."

She hummed and sniffed me again. "I'm alright with that."

I was so confused, but then I felt her teeth into my neck. It didn't hurt. Let's just say that. I've heard that vampires get pleasure from their mate when bite by them, but I... I never believed it until know. It was wonderful. She ran her tongue over her bite and then bared her neck to me. I didn't hesitant; I slowly sank my teeth into her neck.

She gaped and grabbed a fist-full of my shirt, pulling our chest closer together. After retracting my fangs, I also lick the bite. It heals immediately.

We both pull back and stare at each for a long. Jessica smiled and my heart tightened at the beautiful site. I leaned forward and so did she. We were centimeters away from each other; our noses just brushing against each other when Jessica was pulled from my grip.

I jump up, ready to attack the intruder, only to find a sobbing Rose holding a on-the-verge-tears Jessica.


IF YOU HAVENT NOTICE YET (or are very confused about who the hell Jessica is), I have changed Ariana's name to Jessica for insignificant reason.

If you see any 'Ariana's, tell me so I can change them to 'Jessica's. :)



m. xx.

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